Thursday, January 16, 2025

A Bill I would Propose for helping to fix Social Security


Section 1. Short Title

This Act may be cited as the “American Basic Income Guarantee Act” or ABIGA.

Section 2. Findings and Purpose

  1. Findings:
    1.1. Rapid technological advancement and global economic shifts have changed the nature of work and income security.
    1.2. Many Americans face economic instability due to job displacement, wage stagnation, and the rising cost of living.
    1.3. Providing a guaranteed basic income to every adult American citizen could alleviate poverty, stimulate the economy, and foster innovation and entrepreneurship.

  2. Purpose:
    2.1. To establish a universal, unconditional basic income for all eligible American citizens as a foundational safety net.
    2.2. To support individuals and families in meeting basic needs such as housing, food, healthcare, and education.
    2.3. To reduce government administrative burdens and complexity by consolidating or simplifying certain means-tested programs.
    2.4. To promote economic stability, encourage consumer spending, and enable Americans to invest in their futures.

Section 3. Definitions

For purposes of this Act:

  1. Basic Income Payment (BIP): A fixed monthly cash benefit distributed to eligible American citizens under this Act.
  2. Eligible American Citizen: Any U.S. citizen, aged eighteen (18) or older, who maintains primary residence in the United States.
  3. Means-Tested Program: Any existing federal or state social welfare program that restricts eligibility based on household income, assets, or other financial measures.

Section 4. Eligibility and Disbursement

  1. Universal Eligibility:
    1.1. Every American citizen aged eighteen (18) or older shall be entitled to receive the Basic Income Payment, unless otherwise disqualified under Section 4.2.
    1.2. Eligibility shall not be conditioned on employment status, income level, family size, or marital status.

  2. Disqualifications:
    2.1. Individuals who are incarcerated for felony offenses shall not receive payments during the period of incarceration.
    2.2. Citizenship status must be verified using existing DHS and State Department protocols.

  3. Payment Structure:
    3.1. The Basic Income Payment amount shall initially be set at a monthly rate determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and adjusted annually for inflation.
    3.2. Payments shall be disbursed on a monthly basis, via direct deposit to a verified bank account or through other secure methods approved by the Department of the Treasury.

Section 5. Funding

  1. Allocation of Funds:
    1.1. The Basic Income Payment shall be funded through a combination of revenue streams, including but not limited to:
    - A modest increase in certain progressive tax rates above a high-income threshold;
    - Reallocation of funds from consolidated or reduced means-tested programs, as deemed appropriate by Congress;
    - Implementation of a modest financial transaction tax or similar measure.

  2. Reserve Fund:
    2.1. A Reserve Fund shall be established to stabilize the Basic Income Payment during economic downturns. This fund shall receive a portion of revenue surpluses during periods of strong economic growth.

  3. Annual Budgetary Review:
    3.1. Congress shall review the funding and sustainability of the Basic Income Payment during the annual budget cycle.
    3.2. Adjustments to payment amounts or funding mechanisms shall be subject to the standard legislative process.

Section 6. Interactions with Existing Programs

  1. Integration and Simplification:
    1.1. Congress shall evaluate existing means-tested programs to determine whether they can be consolidated, reduced, or phased out without causing harm to the most vulnerable.
    1.2. The Basic Income Payment is intended to partially replace some forms of government assistance, though individuals or households with special needs (e.g., disability, major medical expenses) may remain eligible for targeted benefits.

  2. No Double Counting:
    2.1. If a means-tested benefit is reduced or eliminated, any savings realized may be directed toward sustaining or increasing the Basic Income Payment.

Section 7. Implementation

  1. Administrative Agency:
    1.1. The Secretary of the Treasury, in coordination with the Social Security Administration (SSA) and other relevant agencies, shall be responsible for administering the Basic Income Payment.
    1.2. The Treasury shall maintain a database of all eligible citizens and facilitate the distribution of payments.

  2. Phase-In Period:
    2.1. The program shall be phased in over a period of two (2) years to allow for the necessary logistical and infrastructural arrangements.
    2.2. During the phase-in, pilot programs may be conducted to test payment mechanisms and resolve implementation challenges.

Section 8. Enforcement

  1. Penalties for Fraud:
    1.1. Any individual found to have willfully misrepresented information to collect a Basic Income Payment shall be subject to civil and criminal penalties, including repayment of improperly collected funds and possible fines.
    1.2. Enforcement shall be overseen by the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury.

  2. Program Integrity:
    1.1. Regular audits of the Basic Income Payment system shall be performed by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to ensure accurate disbursements and detect fraud or abuse.

Section 9. Oversight and Reporting

  1. Annual Report:
    1.1. The Secretary of the Treasury shall submit an annual report to Congress detailing:
    - The total number of recipients and total amount disbursed;
    - The program’s impact on poverty rates and median household income;
    - Any recommendations for legislative or administrative improvements.

  2. Congressional Review:
    2.1. Within five (5) years of full implementation, Congress shall conduct a comprehensive review of the Basic Income Payment’s impact on the economy, employment, public health, and other relevant indicators to determine if modifications are needed.

Section 10. Effective Date and Severability

  1. Effective Date:
    1.1. This Act shall take effect one hundred eighty (180) days after enactment, with the two-year phase-in beginning upon the effective date.
    1.2. The Secretary of the Treasury shall issue any necessary regulations to implement this Act during the phase-in period.

  2. Severability:
    2.1. If any provision of this Act, or its application to any person or circumstance, is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Act and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected.

Note: This proposed law—ABIGA—is designed to provide a foundational income for all adult American citizens, reduce administrative overhead, and promote economic stability. In reality, detailed studies of its economic feasibility, inflationary impact, funding sources, and interactions with state and local governments would be necessary before any such legislation could be considered.

You said:
write a bill that would fix social security and make it stronger like the railroad retirement

Below is a hypothetical bill drafted in the style of U.S. federal legislation. It proposes reforms to bolster Social Security by incorporating certain features observed in the Railroad Retirement system, along with other measures to ensure long-term solvency. Please note this is an illustrative example, not actual legislation or legal advice.

The Social Security Stabilization and Enhancement Act (SSSEA)

Section 1. Short Title

This Act may be cited as the “Social Security Stabilization and Enhancement Act” or SSSEA.

Section 2. Findings and Purpose

  1. Findings:
    1.1. Social Security is a cornerstone of financial security for millions of retired and disabled Americans.
    1.2. The Social Security Trust Fund faces long-term funding challenges due to demographic shifts, increased longevity, and historical underfunding.
    1.3. The Railroad Retirement system, which is partially modeled on Social Security but supplemented with additional funding mechanisms and features, has maintained a more stable reserve.
    1.4. Strengthening Social Security’s revenue streams and adjusting benefit structures can ensure solvency for future generations.

  2. Purpose:
    2.1. To stabilize and enhance the Social Security program’s Trust Funds by creating new funding sources and modifying existing revenue streams.
    2.2. To provide more secure benefits, encourage workforce participation, and adjust eligibility rules in a fair, transparent manner.
    2.3. To adopt best practices from the Railroad Retirement system, ensuring stability and adequacy of benefits.

Section 3. Definitions

For the purposes of this Act:

  1. Social Security Program: The Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) programs as administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
  2. Trust Fund: The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund and the Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Fund.
  3. Taxable Wage Base: The maximum amount of earned income subject to Social Security payroll taxes under 42 U.S.C. § 430.
  4. Railroad Retirement: The retirement program administered by the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB), which provides retirement and survivor benefits to eligible railroad workers.

Section 4. Adjustments to Taxable Wage Base and Contribution Rates

  1. Incremental Increase of Taxable Wage Base:
    1.1. The Secretary of the Treasury shall incrementally raise the Social Security taxable wage base over a five-year period to ensure higher-income earners contribute a fair share.
    1.2. Beginning in the first year after enactment, the taxable wage base shall increase by an additional $25,000 over the current limit each year, until fully phased in, or until it reaches a threshold determined by an annual cost-of-living-based formula.

  2. Progressive Payroll Tax Adjustments:
    1.1. For individuals earning above the newly adjusted wage base, an additional payroll surtax of 1% shall be applied to income exceeding the taxable wage base, up to a maximum of 3% phased in over three years.
    1.2. The Secretary of the Treasury shall review these rates every five years and make recommendations to Congress for further adjustments to maintain long-term solvency.

Section 5. Enhanced Reserve and Investment Mechanisms

  1. Creation of a Social Security Reserve Investment Board (SSRIB):
    1.1. A new board, analogous to the Railroad Retirement Investment Board, shall oversee the portion of Trust Fund assets designated for investment in a diversified portfolio (e.g., low-risk bonds, conservative index funds).
    1.2. The SSRIB shall be composed of representatives from the Treasury, the Social Security Administration, and experts in retirement fund management, appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.
    1.3. The SSRIB shall report annually to Congress and the public on the performance, allocation, and management of these investments.

  2. Investment Policy Safeguards:
    2.1. All investments must meet strict fiduciary standards to minimize risk and avoid conflicts of interest.
    2.2. No more than a fixed percentage—initially set at 15%—of the Trust Fund reserves may be invested in equities (stock-index funds), ensuring diversification with government bonds and other stable instruments.
    2.3. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) shall conduct periodic audits of the SSRIB’s activities and report findings to Congress.

Section 6. Benefit Computation and Adjustments

  1. Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLA) Alignment:
    1.1. The formula for annual COLA shall be reviewed every three years to ensure it accurately reflects costs faced by senior citizens, including medical expenses.
    1.2. An “Elder Index” factor, similar to the concept used in Railroad Retirement, may be incorporated to better track healthcare and living costs specific to retirees.

  2. Minimum Benefit Guarantee:
    1.1. A new floor for Social Security benefits, set at a percentage of the federal poverty level, shall be created for workers with at least 30 years of covered earnings.
    1.2. This measure is intended to reduce old-age poverty, similar to Railroad Retirement Tier 1 provisions.

  3. Delayed Retirement Credits:
    1.1. To encourage extended workforce participation and reward those who work longer, the delayed retirement credit rate shall be increased by a fraction of one percent annually over five years, capping at an additional 10%.
    1.2. The SSA shall conduct outreach to inform near-retirees about the financial advantages of deferring benefits.

Section 7. Disability Insurance Provisions

  1. Separate Solvency for DI Trust Fund:
    1.1. The Disability Insurance (DI) portion of the Trust Fund shall receive an incremental increase in payroll tax allocations (0.2%) phased in over three years, ensuring a dedicated revenue stream.
    1.2. This increase shall reduce the need for interfund borrowing and provide sustainable benefits for disabled workers.

  2. Return-to-Work Incentives:
    1.1. A pilot program mirroring the Railroad Retirement system’s partial disability approach shall be introduced, offering partial benefits to those able to work part-time without losing all disability coverage.
    1.2. The SSA, in collaboration with the Department of Labor, shall establish workforce re-entry programs to assist disabled individuals who wish to transition back to gainful employment.

Section 8. Government Accountability and Oversight

  1. Annual Actuarial Report:
    1.1. The Chief Actuary of the SSA shall prepare an annual report assessing the solvency of the Trust Funds under the revised revenue, benefit, and investment structures.
    1.2. This report shall be submitted to the President and to Congress for review and potential legislative action if the long-range actuarial balance falls below defined thresholds.

  2. Comptroller General Review:
    1.1. The GAO shall conduct periodic reviews to evaluate the implementation of this Act, including any changes to the taxable wage base, new investments, and benefit computations.
    1.2. The Comptroller General shall provide recommendations for any necessary statutory or regulatory revisions.

Section 9. Sunset and Reauthorization

  1. Reevaluation Period:
    1.1. Ten (10) years after the effective date of this Act, Congress shall conduct a comprehensive review of the Social Security program to determine whether further adjustments are required.
    1.2. If the program remains solvent at actuarially sound levels (75-year projections), provisions of this Act shall continue without modification. Otherwise, Congress shall propose reauthorizing or amending the Act.

Section 10. Effective Date and Severability

  1. Effective Date:
    1.1. This Act shall take effect one hundred eighty (180) days after its enactment.
    1.2. The Secretary of the Treasury and the Commissioner of Social Security shall issue any necessary regulations to implement the provisions of this Act before the effective date.

  2. Severability:
    2.1. If any provision of this Act, or its application to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of this Act and the application of its provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The immigration bill I would submit if I were in Congress


The Fair and Secure Immigration Reform Act (FSIRA)

Section 1. Short Title

This Act may be cited as the “Fair and Secure Immigration Reform Act” or FSIRA.

Section 2. Findings and Purpose

  1. Findings:
    1.1. The United States is a nation built on the contributions of immigrants who uphold its laws, embrace its language and customs, and positively contribute to the economy.
    1.2. Fair but stringent requirements for lawful entry and permanent residence help safeguard national security and protect the integrity of the immigration system.
    1.3. Preventing the misuse of marriage as a pathway to citizenship, addressing concerns about entry for pregnant individuals, and clarifying the status of asylum seekers are necessary for maintaining immigration integrity.

  2. Purpose:
    2.1. To establish a clear and stringent set of requirements for obtaining lawful permanent residency (Green Cards).
    2.2. To provide certain pathways for expedited citizenship for those willing to serve in the U.S. military or fill critical-need positions.
    2.3. To ensure that prospective immigrants demonstrate commitment to the nation through adherence to U.S. laws, English language proficiency, understanding of U.S. history, and economic self-sufficiency.
    2.4. To eliminate automatic Green Card eligibility based on marriage alone, setting a minimum duration of marriage before an applicant may qualify.
    2.5. To restrict entry for individuals who are pregnant until after they have given birth.
    2.6. To ensure that asylum seekers are granted entry only through an approved application process and to clarify their status once conditions in their home country have changed.

Section 3. Definitions

For purposes of this Act:

  1. Immigrant: Any foreign national seeking lawful permanent residency or citizenship in the United States.
  2. Major Crime: Any offense classified as a felony under federal or relevant state law, or an equivalent under the laws of another country if it would be considered a felony in the United States.
  3. Minor Crime: Any offense not classified as a felony, excluding infractions.
  4. Green Card: The commonly used term for lawful permanent resident status in the United States.
  5. Fast-Tracked Citizenship: An expedited process to obtain citizenship more quickly than the standard waiting periods, subject to meeting specific requirements.
  6. Critical-Need Fields: Occupations or specialties designated by the Department of Labor or another relevant federal agency as essential to national interests or having a demonstrable labor shortage.
  7. Valid Marriage for Immigration Purposes: A marriage recognized under U.S. law that has existed for no less than two (2) years before the non-citizen spouse may apply for or obtain lawful permanent resident status under this Act.
  8. Pregnant Individual: Any person who has been medically verified to be pregnant at the time of seeking entry into the United States.
  9. Asylum Seeker: A foreign national who seeks protection from persecution or danger in their home country, in accordance with U.S. asylum laws and international obligations.

Section 4. Requirements for Lawful Permanent Residency (Green Card)

  1. Criminal Record Standard:
    1.1. An applicant must not have committed any major crimes (felonies) at any time.
    1.2. An applicant must have no minor crimes (misdemeanors) in the ten (10) years prior to filing for a Green Card.

  2. English Language Proficiency:
    2.1. All applicants must demonstrate the ability to read, write, and speak English at a level sufficient for everyday communication and integration into U.S. society.

  3. Financial Self-Sufficiency:
    3.1. Applicants must show proof of sufficient funds to cover personal living expenses and must provide evidence of a job offer in the United States prior to entry.
    3.2. Acceptable proof includes bank statements, official job offer letters, or other documentation accepted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

  4. US History and Civics Knowledge:
    4.1. Before obtaining permanent residency, applicants must pass a standard U.S. history and civics examination administered by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

  5. Marriage-Based Green Card Restrictions:
    5.1. No individual shall automatically qualify for a Green Card solely by virtue of being married to a U.S. citizen.
    5.2. A foreign spouse may become eligible for a Green Card only if the couple has been legally married for a minimum of two (2) consecutive years prior to the filing of any Green Card application.
    5.3. If at any time after the two-year period and before the foreign spouse obtains citizenship, the marriage is legally terminated by divorce or annulment, the non-citizen spouse’s lawful permanent residency shall be revoked, and removal proceedings shall commence pursuant to Section 8.

  6. Pregnancy-Related Entry Restrictions:
    6.1. A pregnant individual shall not be permitted entry into the United States until after the birth of the child.
    6.2. The DHS shall establish procedures for verifying pregnancy status where there is reason to believe an individual is pregnant.

Section 5. Fast-Tracked Citizenship

  1. Military Service:
    1.1. Any eligible Green Card holder who volunteers for and serves honorably in a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces for a minimum of four (4) years shall be eligible to apply for citizenship upon completion of service, subject to additional requirements under this Act and the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

  2. Critical-Need Fields:
    2.1. The Secretary of Labor, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall designate a list of occupations or specialties deemed critical-need fields.
    2.2. Green Card holders employed full-time in a critical-need field for at least three (3) years may be eligible to apply for citizenship on an expedited basis, provided they meet all other criteria in this Act.

  3. Additional Requirements:
    3.1. Fast-tracked applicants must still pass a rigorous background check, maintain clean criminal records during the entire period of residence, and pass all language and civics requirements.

Section 6. Standard Waiting Period for Citizenship

  1. Minimum Ten-Year Residency:
    1.1. Except as otherwise provided in Section 5 of this Act, Green Card holders shall wait at least ten (10) years from the date of obtaining lawful permanent residency before applying for U.S. citizenship.
    1.2. During this period, the individual must remain in continuous residence in the United States and comply with all federal, state, and local laws.

Section 7. Asylum Seekers

  1. Pre-Approval Requirement:
    1.1. Any individual seeking asylum must submit an application from outside the United States. Entry is not permitted until such time as the Department of Homeland Security or an immigration court has approved the asylum application.

  2. Temporary Protection:
    2.1. Once admitted under an approved asylum status, the individual is authorized to remain in the United States only until the conditions causing them peril in their home country have been resolved or significantly improved, as determined by the Secretary of State in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security.
    2.2. Within thirty (30) days of a formal determination that danger in the asylee’s home country has ended, the asylee must depart the United States unless the asylee has applied for and been granted a Green Card under Section 4 of this Act.

  3. Transition to Permanent Residency:
    3.1. Any asylee who wishes to remain in the United States beyond the end of their authorized protection period must meet all the requirements for lawful permanent residency, including the criminal record standard, English proficiency, and financial self-sufficiency.

  4. Enforcement:
    4.1. Failure to depart within thirty (30) days after a formal determination that the danger has ended shall subject the individual to removal proceedings under Section 8.

Section 8. Removal Prior to Citizenship

  1. Grounds for Removal:
    1.1. Any non-citizen, including those holding a Green Card, may be subject to removal if they commit any criminal offense before they have been granted full U.S. citizenship.
    1.2. If a Green Card was obtained through marriage and that marriage is dissolved prior to the grant of citizenship, the non-citizen shall be subject to removal unless they qualify for another legal status independently.
    1.3. The Department of Homeland Security shall initiate removal proceedings upon conviction for a crime that demonstrates moral turpitude, or any crime for which incarceration is deemed warranted under federal or state guidelines.

  2. Due Process:
    2.1. Individuals subject to removal under this Section shall have the right to a hearing before an immigration judge, as provided by existing federal law.

Section 9. Enforcement

  1. Enforcement Authority:
    1.1. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), through U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), shall implement and enforce the provisions of this Act.

  2. Penalties for Fraud or Misrepresentation:
    2.1. Any applicant found to have willfully misrepresented or concealed material facts in their immigration applications or interviews shall be permanently barred from obtaining any immigration benefit, subject to waivers or appeals as provided by law.

Section 10. Effective Date

  1. Implementation Period:
    1.1. This Act shall take effect one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of its enactment.
    1.2. The Secretary of Homeland Security shall issue any necessary regulations to implement this Act prior to the effective date.

Section 11. Severability

  1. Invalidation of Specific Provisions:
    1.1. If any provision of this Act, or its application to any person or circumstance, is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Act and its application to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected.

The Comprehensive Disaster Insurance Protection Act (CDIPA) Law I would propose


The Comprehensive Disaster Insurance Protection Act (CDIPA)

Section 1. Short Title.
This Act may be cited as the “Comprehensive Disaster Insurance Protection Act” or CDIPA.

Section 2. Findings and Purpose.
(a) Findings:

  1. Severe natural disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, and floods, cause major disruptions to the lives and property of Americans.
  2. Insurance protection is critical to the financial stability of individuals and communities after such disasters.
  3. Certain practices by insurance providers—such as abrupt policy cancellations, denial of valid claims, and rate spikes in low-risk areas—undermine public confidence and hamper recovery efforts.

(b) Purpose:

  1. To ensure fair and comprehensive coverage for policyholders affected by major disasters.
  2. To set standards and restrictions on policy cancellations, denials of claims, and excessive premium increases.

Section 3. Definitions.
For purposes of this Act:

  1. Major Disaster: Any incident formally declared a “major disaster” by the President of the United States under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5122(2)) or any successor statute.
  2. Insurance Provider: Any insurer, re-insurer, or underwriting entity that issues property or casualty insurance policies in the United States.
  3. High-Risk Area: An area officially designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), or another relevant federal agency, as prone to frequent or severe disasters.

Section 4. Mandatory Coverage of Losses in Major Disasters.
(a) Coverage Requirement:

  1. An Insurance Provider must extend coverage to all policyholders for direct physical losses and damages arising from a Major Disaster, consistent with the terms of their existing policies.
  2. Any attempt to limit or exclude coverage for Major Disasters, once the policy has been issued, shall be deemed void and unenforceable except when a specific written exclusion was agreed upon by both parties at policy inception (and is not otherwise prohibited by law).

(b) Full Payment of Claims:

  1. When a loss is determined to be covered, the Insurance Provider shall pay the claim promptly according to the policy terms.
  2. Insurance Providers are prohibited from placing arbitrary or excessive documentation requirements on claimants in an effort to avoid paying legitimate claims.

Section 5. Prohibition on Certain Policy Cancellations.
(a) Cancellation Moratorium:

  1. An Insurance Provider shall not cancel or refuse to renew a policy for any reason related to a Major Disaster for which a claim has been filed, except in cases of fraud or nonpayment of premiums.
  2. Cancellation for nonpayment of premiums shall be permitted only if the policyholder is at least ten (10) days past the due date without making any payment.

(b) Notice Requirement:

  1. Before canceling or non-renewing a policy, an Insurance Provider must provide a written notice to the policyholder via mail or electronic communication, at least fifteen (15) days before the effective date of cancellation or non-renewal.

Section 6. Stricter Standards for Claim Denials.
(a) Burden of Proof:

  1. The burden of proving that a claim is not covered lies with the Insurance Provider.
  2. The Provider must cite specific policy provisions and present clear and convincing evidence as to why a claim is not covered.

(b) Documentation and Explanation:

  1. Any denial of a claim must be accompanied by a detailed explanation of the denial grounds, including the policy language relied upon and the facts supporting the denial.
  2. Failure to provide adequate explanations, or any denial deemed to be in bad faith, shall subject the Provider to regulatory penalties under Section 8.

Section 7. Restriction on Premium Rate Hikes in Non–High-Risk Areas.
(a) Prohibited Practices:

  1. An Insurance Provider shall not implement excessive or unwarranted premium rate increases on properties located outside of designated High-Risk Areas.
  2. Any proposed rate increase greater than ten percent (10%) in a twelve-month period for policies in non–High-Risk Areas must be filed with the relevant State Insurance Commissioner and accompanied by actuarial data justifying the increase.

(b) Review Process:

  1. Upon filing, the State Insurance Commissioner shall review the proposed rate increase to ensure it is neither arbitrary nor excessive.
  2. If the Commissioner determines the increase to be unjustified, the Commissioner shall reject or modify the requested rate.

Section 8. Enforcement and Penalties.
(a) Enforcement Authority:

  1. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the relevant State Insurance Commissioners shall have joint authority to enforce the provisions of this Act.
  2. They may issue cease-and-desist orders, impose civil penalties, or seek injunctive relief in federal court against any Insurance Provider found to be in violation.

(b) Penalties:

  1. Civil penalties may include fines of up to $100,000 per violation or up to $1,000,000 for repeated or willful violations.
  2. Insurance Providers that engage in a pattern of bad-faith claims denials or cancellations may be subject to additional penalties, including the suspension or revocation of their license to operate in one or more states.

Section 9. Effective Date.
This Act shall take effect one hundred and eighty (180) days after its enactment.

Section 10. Severability.
If any provision of this Act, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of this Act, and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.