Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Racism in America Still exist today

OK now McDonald's is going a little to far now
In the first place the food they serve is disgusting, what in the world makes them think anyone would pay them an additional $1.50 when you are not even paying for good food... This is an outrage to see such a Racist picture even if it was just a joke by one of their employees it is still uncalled for... There needs to be an investigation into this horrible picture and it needs to be taken care of because the last thing we need is Jesse Jackson to be running his mouth about racism... If this was a joke you really need to be careful because the government doesn't take very well to civil rights violations and let me tell you this is a big one... But hey what are we going to do people are always abusing there freedom of speech without even thinking if it is legal or not... You may think this is free speech but in fact it is racism because your singling out one single Race which under the Constitution it is a violation of Civil Right which is a Federal Crime... Think before you joke people the government is serious about this kind of crime...   


South Carolina and the Confederate Flag Problem

The South Carolina State House still flying that damn Confederate Flag

The biggest issue with South Carolina is that it will not remove the Confederate Flag from the State House.. They should be forced to remove this flag as it is showing that the state still believes that it is part of a nation which does not exist... We all know that South Carolina will withdraw itself from the United States of America the question is when... There are still policy makers in this state that wish to do so and if they had the backing would try... I believe that this states keeps this flag flying because they know that one-day they will try again to pull away from America, and they already have there country flag which still fly's at the State Capitol... It should be illegal by federal law that any US state be aloud to fly such flags without having a US Flag on a single pole... This law would not include single people but just state governments... The only flags a state government should be flying at there state capitol  are their State flag and the United States flag  no others...

Governor Nikki Haley

Today I Finally got to talk to governor Nikki Haley's office about the reason my drivers license was suspended.. Let me tell you I will never talk to them people again they are rude and don't care about anything... When I talked to Susanne Cooper of the Governor's Office Constituent Services at this number (803) 734-9873 this morning I found out that they do not care in fact from what I was told this has happened to a lot of people... I then told her I never received any notice that my license was being suspended and she said that doesn't matter.. Well to me it DOES matter because if I would have received this so called notice I would have went and took care of the problem.. Goes to show you that if you live in the state of South Carolina and your car breaks down in another state and you are not sure if you will ever be able to get to it again and you forget to take the plate off you better keep that insurance on it because if you don't good by driving privileges... Then when I asked why my license was suspended when I have seen people who drop their insurance and drive around for months uninsured and nothing happens to them no fines and still a valid drivers license...  Shows me that the only thing this GOVERNOR cares about is making sure she has lots of money and the rest of the population suffers.... She can't say she brought the new jobs to this state because she DIDN'T, the fact that this is a right to work state brought them... They hate Unions and there are none in this state... I WILL NOT be voting for this lady again and recommend that we find a new leader of the state....