Showing posts with label United States. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United States. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

What would I say to people of the future.

 I would say hello.. Welcome to whatever time period your in, my name is Robert Lee Beers III and today is November 12 2024 we still live in a world of chaos, Russia is at war with Ukraine and has been since 2022, they now have North Korea helping them. Israel is at war but that has been on and off for thousands of years. I would hope that you all depending on what year it is have finally started getting along. I do believe that if all the countries of the world were to get along and everyone put all of their knowledge into helping humanity this world would be a whole lot more advanced. I don't know how far along you have gotten with AI but please be careful as to not let it destroy the world I may not be around anymore but I would love it to last for many billions of years past my lifetime. I do know in my lifetime I will never see world peace and everyone working to better the technology for the good of the people. The problem with the world is the leaders of the countries and greed. I am sure in the next few hundred years from now if them leaders haven't destroyed the world AI will have taken over most all jobs. I believe this because in my time period we are starting to see it happen to some professions.  Cryptocurrency is starting to look like the new form of money, who knows if that will last or not I know the governments wont like it because then they loose control of the money supply. but if I am correct about AI taking over all of the jobs then money will be worthless anyways as no one will be working. The homeless issues is out of control and I don't see anything being done to fix it, I can see why it happens the price to live is outrageous food is high housing is way to high but the only reason for this is because of greed, the owners who rent them want to get rich renting a house while the companies we all work for don't want to pay us a livable wage, because they want to impress them shareholders with record profits so them corporate executives can get even more rich. Governments are trying to outlaw gas powered vehicles and make people get battery powered vehicles. I don't see that working so well for a couple reasons one is that our electrical grid will not be able to handle millions of electric cars, the amount of miles you can drive on a charge is to low, and it would take to long to get to your destination because of how long it will take to charge the vehicle. The US Government does not really work for the people they at this time period work for the corporations and rich we need to get people to run who truly want to give the power back to the people. I myself if I was to be elected would implement a voting system where people in my district could vote on the bills and I would take the winning vote, I would not allow companies to vote only people and I would never vote against what the majority of my district wanted.