I got you with your lover yesterday! See the proof.
From:"SharalynReckner" <SharalynReckner@mail.com>
Cc:jblev07@yahoo.com, xjunkxgurlx@yahoo.com,
yvette.cedeno@yahoo.com, anny_quratulain@yahoo.com,
gardengrl55@yahoo.com, majors428@yahoo.com, garrylawrence@yahoo.com,
rdemars187@yahoo.com, robert_beers111@yahoo.com,
richard_meza98@yahoo.com, nasutiona@yahoo.com, wroshera@yahoo.com,
attitudedecideslife@yahoo.com, akapalu2001@yahoo.com,
janeta1752@yahoo.com, davieje34@yahoo.com, esweets1355@yahoo.com,
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What's up gagali_athla143@yahoo.com,
I knew you cheated on me. Now I got the proof in attachment. You are in really big troubles now.
I knew you cheated on me. Now I got the proof in attachment. You are in really big troubles now.