Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Criminal Justice

 The criminal justice system is somewhat responsible for why crime is so high. Why you ask? Well it is because most of all of the jails are privately owned and law enforcement is told to arrest as many people as possible to help them rich folks that own them jails keep them full. This in turn causes people to get damaging records on them that could have went through other means to prevent the damaging criminal record. What should be done is for non violent crimes the person should have to go to counseling of course paid for by the defendant, this in turn would free up jail space for more violent crimes but also help the people out in the long run. Because with a criminal record the said person would have a very hard time finding a job to support his family or even him or her self. This in turn could cause the person who committed a small crime to end up committing a larger crime out of desperation, causing kids to grow up learning that crime is the only way to survive. what we should do is offer help to small time crimes, to lead the people in the correct direction. 

What is Happing to America

 What is happing to America, this once great country is falling apart the government that is supposed to be run by the people is no longer about the people in fact its about the rich corporations, the people can barley survive the cost of living is outrageous. Going to college in these day and ages is about pointless considering you can learn everything you need to know online for free that you would learn in college, only issue with that is you don't get that piece of paper that says you graduated and have a ton of debt. I myself went to college was on the deans list busted my ass but dropped out because I kept getting sick every time i would see how much debt I was getting in and it scares me because regardless if I got a job I still had to pay that massive debt off. In my opinion I didn't want to take that risk so I left. I have worked in plenty of industries and found in every industry they don't want to be full staffed in fact they want to work you to death, they don't care about your family the only thing they care about is that you show up and work as many hours they they want you to no questions asked. The railroad was the hardest I cant count how many 24 hour days I had if you don't answer the phone when they call you risk being fired, your family is non existing to them, The training is very fast if you need more training they will just let you go. what this country needs is to stop electing the same old people into office and get newer younger people that want to see change done in this country the entire education system need to be overhauled there is no excuse that our country focuses more on English than math. we also need to reevaluate how the tax payers money is spent this country spends more money overseas than it does to help the citizens of this country. the government needs to focus more on its people than a corporation so to make that happen we need to ban corporations from making contributions to political campaigns. we need to let the people of this country only to have to work a 40 hour work week so that the parents can be home to take care of the kids so that maybe we can stop all of this violence. We need more things for kids to do after school stuff that interest them and is also learning, like robotics to make it fun they can make battle bots or even helper bots, we need to end poverty there is no reason that such a wealthy country has to have it end the race wars this is 2022 its time to move on everyone needs a chance. we need to set an example not to just the children of this country but set an example to the world. 

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Much needed policies needed in the US

 We need a universal medical records database to improve healthcare in the United States. The database will be used by doctors, researchers, and patients, but most importantly it will be used to improve the quality and cost-effectiveness of healthcare. Doctors will be able to track and share information about patients, both clinical and administrative. Researchers will be able to conduct studies that will improve the quality and the cost. Patients will be able to keep track of their own medical records. And in the future, when a patient needs a new medical procedure or a new medication, the doctor will have a complete medical history. It would also help prevent medical errors and improve patient safety, along with stop the abuse of pain medication and medical treatments. There are many ways to implement a universal medical records database, including the National Health Information Network (NHIN). This project was initiated by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in 2003, and it is funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. This project is still in its infancy and there are many challenges that must be overcome.

We also need a universal mental health records system that can be used by all mental health professionals to track and share information about patients. This information can include treatment plans, progress reports, and patient notes. It is imperative that all of these records are stored in a central database. The database will be available to anyone who needs it, including doctors, social workers, therapists, and even law enforcement. This can and would be helpful in a number of different ways. Including in the purchase of a firearm.

When it comes to firearm purchases, I believe that it should also be required that the registered gun owner or purchaser has to purchase a safe in which only the registered gun owner should have access to it. it would be better if they had a separate place that all ammo can be stored and locked away from the firearm this would also include any clip that may be included with the weapon. This is not to much to ask for and it wouldn't impede on anyone's second amendment rights.

Monday, November 28, 2022

The Top 5 Reasons Republicans are a Bad Choice for America


The Top 5 Reasons Republicans are a Bad Choice for America

The American government is one of the most important of its kind in the world and it is important that the people of the United States choose their representatives wisely. The government is crucial in shaping the lives of the citizens of America, so it is important for the people to be well represented. However, the Republican party does not have the best track record when it comes to serving the needs of the American people. In this article, we will be discussing the top five reasons why Republicans are a bad choice for America and why the Democrats are the party of the people.

1. The Republican Party's track record on the economy

The Republican Party is a terrible choice for America because of their track record on the economy. The economy has been in a recession for over ten years and the Republican Party has done nothing to fix it. They have continued to cut taxes for the rich at the expense of the middle class. Republicans don't care about the working class because of their ideology. They believe in trickle-down economics, which is a theory that tax cuts for the rich will create more jobs and growth for everyone. However, this theory has never been proven to work and has been proven to create economic inequality. Republicans have also continued to support the privatization of social security, which will leave working class Americans without the safety net they need to survive. Republicans also have a terrible track record on healthcare. The Affordable Care Act was the first step in the right direction and Republicans have been trying to find ways to destroy it. Republicans have also been trying to make it harder for people to get healthcare. In addition, Republicans have been trying to repeal Roe v Wade, which will leave women in America without the right to an abortion.

2. The Republican Party's track record on the environment

The Republican Party is a bad choice for America because they have a track record of being against the environment. A prime example of this is their stance on climate change. They have consistently denied that it is happening and have even gone as far as to say that it was a hoax created by the Chinese. They also have a track record of opposing clean energy and renewable resources.

3. The Republican Party's track record on taxes

The Republican Party has always been associated with lower taxes. The party has always been in favor of lowering taxes in order to spur economic growth. However, the party's track record on taxes is not as rosy as it would like people to believe. The Republican Party has been responsible for many tax increases, in addition to tax cuts. The party has been responsible for increasing taxes on individual income, corporations, and the poor. It is no surprise that the Republican Party is not a good choice for America.

4. The Republican Party's track record on civil rights

The Republican Party has a terrible track record on civil rights. It is a party that is hostile towards the LGBT community and has a history of opposing the rights of black Americans. The Republican Party’s track record on civil rights has made it a terrible choice for America.


The World's Greatest Waste

The World's Greatest Waste: How U.S. Government Spending Drives Up the Cost of Living

Every day, the price of goods and services goes up while the U.S. economy struggles. This is because the U.S. government spends so much money on programs that people don’t really need. This article will explain why the U.S. government spends money and how it drives up the cost of living.

1. What is government spending?

Government spending is the amount of money that is spent by government agencies on projects, goods, and services. It is the amount of money that governments spend on the military, transportation, education, and other things that are considered necessary or beneficial to the public. In the United States, government spending is divided into two categories: discretionary and non-discretionary. Discretionary spending is the money that is given to Congress to spend as they see fit. Non-discretionary spending is the money that is not given to Congress to spend as they see fit. In the United States, non-discretionary spending is divided into three categories: Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

2. The top 10 government spending items

The United States government spends a lot of money. This can be both a good and a bad thing. In this article, we'll take a look at the top 10 government spending items and what they cost the taxpayers. The top 10 government spending items 1) National defense 2) Interest on public debt 3) Social Security 4) Medicare 5) Medicaid 6) Unemployment insurance 7) Food stamps 8) Housing and Urban Development 9) Education 10) Transportation

3. How it impacts the economy

The United States spends more than any other country in the world on its military. In 2016, the U.S. spent $610 billion on military spending. This is about a third of the world's military spending. This figure is about a trillion dollars more than the second-highest country, China, which spent $245 billion.

4. Conclusion.

Americans love to spend. We love to spend on anything from the latest technology to luxury cars, but one thing that we don't spend as much on is our homes. We spend the least on our homes of any other country in the world. This is because we live in a country that is constantly buying up our own land and homes to build more homes. This is a problem that needs to be addressed.


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

government priorities

 I just don't understand the government of the united states. each and every political party in about worthless they don't get along in fact they all have one thing in common when another country needs help they don't argue about giving away tons of tax payers money but if for an example a president tries to forgive student debt they decide that is a waist of money. they try and make it sound like the amount it would cost would be damaging to the country when in reality it would be a lot smaller than the money they send to other countries.  to be honest unless your a wealthy person in this country its bad to invest the tax money in you at least that is what it seems. other things that make zero sense is to why the government thinks it has a right to put itself in the woman's right for abortion. I dont agree with abortion but since i am a man its not my choice and in some cases is a good idea. I believe no government should be making medical decisions for a single person. that could be because they dont have any medical training at all and i wouldn't trust a single politician to make any choices about anyone in my families health.