Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Domain and Web Hosting

So there are many Domain and web hosting services out there. There is GoDaddy, google offers there own services, there is Bluehost and many more. The one service I use is Go Diggital It is fairly new as is I have never heard of it until just recently. I am not sure what has gotten me to like it maybe it is the name but who knows. so if your looking to start a website I would recommend using Go Diggital.


Thursday, December 13, 2018

Beers online mall

I have been working on a website. This website is like the concept of a mall. On this website if you look you will see different stores, websites to cash back services, video streaming services and many more. I am not completely done with this site, as I want to add as many stores as possible so any suggestions would be appreciated. The web address is Beers Online Mall. I hope you all enjoy and any feedback and suggestions are always welcome.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Essential Oils

I have been getting into essential oils latley. I have found that not only do they smell good but also have good health benefits. Just click on this link to buy some high quality Essential oils