Friday, January 10, 2014

SCAM Business Proposal

from: Mr. Jerry Natai <>
to: Recipients <>
date: Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 6:18 PM
subject: Re:

I have a business Proposal for you.You can contact me on my private email: (

from: Mr. Jerry Natai <>
to: Robert Beers <>
date: Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 10:09 PM
subject: RE:


Good Day,

Please kindly accept my apology for sending
you this email without your consent. I believe you
are a highly respected personality, considering the
fact that I sourced your email from the peoples
search database on the web during my discrete search
for a foreign partner whom can assist me in taking
this business to it success. Though, I do not know
to what extent you are familiar with events. I have
a proposal for you.This however is not mandatory nor
will I in any manner compel you to honor against
your will, but I hope you will read on and consider
the value I offer.

My name is Mr. Jerry Ntai, I am the Head of Operations
in Mevas Bank, Hong Kong. I have a business
proposal in the tune of $25,200,000.00 to be transferred
to an offshore account with your assistance if

After the successful transfer, we shall share in
ratio of 30% for you and 70% for me. Should you be
interested, please respond to my letter immediately,
so we can commence all arrangements and I will give
you more information on the project and how we would
handle it.

You can contact me on my private email:
and send me the following information
for documentation purpose:

(1)Full name:
(2)private phone number:
(3)current residential address:
(5)Age and Sex:

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,
Mr Jerry Natai.

SCAM Greetings

from: Mr Saeed Ahmed Aban <>
to: Robert Beers <>
date: Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 6:34 PM
subject: Greetings

Greetings Dear Friend,

I know this email will come to you in an odd manner as I know you have forgotten about me,i sent you an email about a week ago and i got no response.I am an oil-servicing equipment merchant, from Dubai, U.A.E, diagnosed with chronic Esophageal cancer in October 2012.

I am a very wealthy man, so please do not think of this letter as one of those spam mail. In the past one year i have been donating my money, to charity organizations in Philippines,Malaysia and Singapore. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, i cannot do this myself anymore. I once asked two members of my family to close one of my accounts and distribute the money to charity organizations in Bulgaria and Pakistan, they refused and kept the money to themselves. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as they seem not to be contented with what I have left for them.

The last bulk consignment of my money which is unknown to anyone, is the huge cash deposit of twenty million dollars $20,000,000.00 that I have with a finance security company abroad. I need you to help me collect this deposit and distribute it to charity organizations to help war victim in Syria,Mali ,earthquake victim in Haiti and people suffering elsewhere in the world. I have set aside 10% for your time and service. I do not need this money anymore as i have a short time to live.

Please reply me with honesty as soon as you receive this email. Allah be with you.

Mr.Saeed Ahmed Aban.