Sunday, January 5, 2014

SCAM Mrs. Kanya Keisuke

Mrs. Kanya Keisuke (

Dear Friend,

This is a personal email directed to you. I got your details after an extensive on-line search Via (Network Power Charitable Trust) for a reliable person, I know I have never met you, but my mind instincts me to do this, I believe everything happens for a reason! People change so you can learn to let go, Things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they’re right.

I am a dying woman who has decided to donate what I have to you for charitable goals.

I am 62 years old and was diagnosed for cancer about 4 years ago, kindly Contact my lawyer through this email address or you can call her private Line :{+855 887 229174} ( she is a God fearing Person work with her, if you are interested in carrying out this task, so that she can arrange the release of the funds of ($10,500,000.00) USD to you. My lawyer's name is Barrister Dara Touch. 

Thank you and God bless you.

Mrs. Kanya Keisuke

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