Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I have noticed something about the republicans and how they are choosing their candidate for president... The only thing the republicans are looking for is someone that will be able to beat Obama in the presidential race this November... I myself find that sad... What they should be looking for is a candidate who will do a better job at fixing things for this country not be finding a person who will be popular to the people... I would vote for Ron Paul but if he is not the candidate I am sticking to Obama he's doing a decent job... Congress is the group who isn't doing their jobs..

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Presidential Primary

I am a Democrat and have been watching the presidential hopefuls just because I keep an open mind... So far I have found an Republican that I would vote for.... This Republican is Ron Paul, I would vote for him because he seems to be the only one who knows were the government waist so much tax money... He has let the public know he would bring all our troops home from every country... That is something no Presidential Candidate has ever said... He has also said he would stop all the Foreign Aid no I love that idea we waist so much money on other countries when we have people in our own country who needs help... Do I believe he will be able to get this all done??? No I don't, but the reasoning for that is Congress they will stop it in fear of what the world would think.... I know there are more Democrats out there who agree and like Ron Paul and would even vote for him.. So in my eyes I am going to say Ron Paul for President 2012....