Thursday, December 6, 2012

SCAM- Friendship

This was a first scam that I have encountered like this. She was close to having me fooled, but I was starting to get suspicious once she said her father was a very successful business man and her whole family died in japan. It could have happened but she said she had no bank account but her father had millions of dollars in a bank, and then she said she wanted to use my bank account and have me get her into the US. Thos were such big red flags showing me this was a SCAM.

Tomiko Masuyo
11:22 AM (6 hours ago)

to me
Ohayou tomodachi,
I am so excited whenever I read your email to me. I am not feeling very fine because of my suffering condition in the orphanage home. I have something to tell you and very open and honest to you. I have my late father’s bank deposit slip and he deposited money in United States Dollars ($4,200,400.00), which was the reason why I traveled to Cambodia when the tsunami happened. My dead father wanted to build a hotel in Cambodia before his death in March 2001. Since I do not have a bank account yet, I want to use your bank account to transfer this money. The bank said it will only take 2 or 3 working days to receive the money in your account. When you received the money, I want you to prepare my travel papers and help me immigrate to your country and start a good business with this money. Since my family died in the tsunami in Japan, I have been managing to survive and residing in the orphanage home in Cambodia. It is not easy for me and I do not have any money that is why I take shelter in the orphanage home. Please, I will allow you to take any percentage from this money as soon as you help me and I will welcome your suggestion of business which I will do with my own share of this money. You are God’s sent to help me out of this problem and I will live in your country comfortably with this amount of money. The only requirement is that the bank asks me to provide a document for Trustee who will act on my behalf in receiving this funds. I have met a lawyer and he told me is possible to make this document. I want you to assist me so that I will get the money and leave the orphanage home which I am residing now. The lawyer said that once I have a responsible person who will act on my behalf as a Trustee, he will make the documents and notarize it which copies will be sent to the bank and they will make the money transfer to your bank account on my behalf. I want you to contact the lawyer, his email address is:
When you contact him, you should tell him that you are my family relative living abroad and want to act as my trustee because you know about my suffering condition in Cambodia and want me to relocate as soon as possible.
I am waiting for your information. Please do not fail me.


On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 11:07 PM, Robert Beers <> wrote:
I am so sorry about your family my brother was in japan during all of that he was in the US Navy. He has just recently gotten out of his tour in japan after 4 years being stationed there. The weather is nice were I AM AT IN THE US. You look very pretty in the pictures you have sent. I dont have any pictures on my phone at the moment but have loads of them on facebook. Hope you have a good day.
Robert On Dec 6, 2012 11:01 AM, "Tomiko Masuyo" <> wrote:
Thank you for writing me. I am fine and thanks for your concern about my family. I think we share a lot in common and it is good we are communicating with each other.
I am single, 24 years old and never married, 5 ft 8 inches tall, 55 kg weight, Asian hair and brown eyes. I am of Japanese origin but presently in Cambodia. I want to tell you that my father is from Cambodia and my mother Japanese. I lost my parents during Japanese deadly tsunami last year. My family was among the first target of tsunami. My late father was a successful businessman and he has two hotels close to river where the tsunami carried everything away. I do not know anyone in Cambodia and I am residing here in Cambodia as a result of the earthquake and tsunami disaster that happened on the 11 March 2011 in north-east Japan. I am the only person in my family that was not at home because I was at the boarding school in Tokyo. Due to this all my family members including my elder sister were gone in a cold blood and our family houses gone. I was lucky that I escaped death because I was in boarding school when this deadly incident took place. I am the only person surviving and I managed to make my way to Cambodia because it is my paternal country and this is my first time to visit this country and I don’t know anyone here. I am staying now and never hope to go back to north-east of Japan again, even sometimes I look through the web pages and I cry all day. What are you doing today? What weather in your country now? 
I look forward to your reply soon.

On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 10:22 PM, Robert Beers <> wrote:
Hello, Well I have never been to any country outside of the US. I like all people. My brother told me Japanese girls are good, he told me I should go there and meet some. He was dating one but now is dating a Chinese girl. I enjoy traveling and one day hope to visit other countries. I also like computers and meeting new people. I am very out going and fun to be around. I hope to get to know more about you.
Robert On Dec 5, 2012 4:31 AM, "Tomiko Masuyo" <> wrote:
Hello friend,

Thanks for your email to me. I will like to correspond with you and I also feel age is not a problem because it is only numbers. Have you visited Asian country especially Japan? Do you like Japanese girl? Tell me more about your interests and hobbies. I was born and grew up in Natori.
I do really want to know more about you as we communicate with each other.


On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 2:16 AM, Robert Beers <> wrote:
Were about in japan are you from?? My brother is in japan seeing his girl friend..
On Dec 4, 2012 7:21 AM, "Tomiko Masuyo" <> wrote:
I am Japanese Asian girl and here to find nice people for communication. I am
24 years old. My hobbies are dancing, reading and listening to pop musics
on internet. Tell me something about you.

I will tell you more about myself in my next email.*



Anonymous said...

thank you for this info,
i googled her name and found your blog,when i received a mail from her,seeking friendship.
she said ,she had plans to visit my country and asked me to be her guardian.
i'm happy i didn't reply her.

ScumBaiter said...

This is a west african scammer, living in Cambodia, doing this scam, not the asian girl in the pictures.
Current email address they are using is

More info at: