Thursday, May 17, 2012

How to Spot a SCAM E-Mail

When you get an E-mail from a spammer who is trying to steal your ID or even use you to Embezzle money it can be hard to tell it is a fake. Here are some tips on how to spot a scam E-mail.

1. Look at the date. Some scam artist will make the date appear as in the future so that the E-mail will be on the top so you are most likely to read it.

2. Look at the Subject. They will put words in there to attract your attention, this is done so your guaranteed to at least open it to look at it.

3. Look at who sent the E-mail. Sometime it could even be your E-mail address, even a friends E-Mail address, If it is from a known company they will try and make it look like it is from the real company so look for any misspellings or other things like periods, underscores, spaces, even look at the .com, .org, .edu, .gov. Sometimes they use the opposite from what it should be. 

4. Look at who the message is to. They like to use undisclosed-recipients, Your E-mail address, and even ones close to yours.  So be careful if it addressed to anything but you and you have no idea why you got it DELETE the message. 

5. They like to use Government Agencies Names. If you get an E-mail from any Government Agencies from the US or any country it is a false E-MAIL. No Government Agency will ever send you an E-mail telling you that your funds are able to be distributed. The Government would only communicate by PHONE or Regular MAIL NOT E-MAIL. If you ever receive an E-Mail stating it is from a Government Agency Report it to that Agency. 

6. E-Mail Lottery. There is NO SUCH THING AS E-MAIL LOTTERY. This is a scam used to collect your private information.  

7.  E-Mails asking for Personal Information. Those are Fake E-mails. No company will EVER ask for any Personal information regarding accounts through E-MAIL. 

8.  Attachments. If you get an E-Mail from someone you do not know with an Attachment DO NOT OPEN IT. This E-Mail Attachment is most likely a VIRUS used to collect any personal information and key strokes from your computer. 

9. E-Mails Regarding Failed Delivery's from Shipping Companies. Those are Fake and the ATTACHMENT is a VIRUS. If you do have something coming in the mail through any shipping company and you are not sure if the E-mail is TRUE call the shipping company Directly because the E-MAIL is most likely FAKE  Considering the Shipping company would call you if there was any problems not E-Mail you. 

10. Web Links in E-mails. Be Careful with them because scam artist make dummy sites used to steal your info. They try real hard to make an E-Mail look Real and that is how they get people. If you want to look at it search for the site on Google, Yahoo, and even Bing to see if it can be found.  

11. Inheritance E-Mails. Those are false a true Lawyer would contact you by phone and Mail, if they are out of the country they may even use your state department to help locate next of kin. Those E-Mails once you contact them they ask for you information and then tell you that they need you to send them Money.

 12. Overseas Job E-Mails. Not all of these are scams I am sure some are legit but maybe 1 in 1000 are true jobs. They send you Money Orders have you cash them and send most of the money back to them. They are really sending you FAKE Money Orders and having you Launder Money for them. This is a Felony and you will be liable for any of the money you sent to the scam artist.

Monday, May 14, 2012



Sunday, May 13, 2012 8:17 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients



Sunday, May 13, 2012 1:22 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients
FROM THE JP MORGAN CHASE BANK UNCLAIMED ASSET/ASSETS RE-UNITED USA INTERNATIONAL REMITTANCE DEPARTMENT. 5558 Camino Al Norte, North Las Vegas, NV 89031. Attn:- We have been informed this day by the concern authority to have your fund release process completed otherwise, the funds will be declared unserviceable by the bank and consequently. It's confiscation. Kindly note that this funds was generated by the United State Government from the World Bank, due to rate of scams out there in Africa, the United State Governments has filed a case against the Nigerian Government and all other African Countries invloving in scam activities, after the case has been taken to Court, the Law Court gave orders that the Nigerian Governments and all other African Countries to release the total sum of $2.5 Billion which was tagged Unclaimed Asset Fund. There after the funds has been released from the World bank to the JP Morgan Chase bank, the United State Governments has choosen several United State Citizen who has been defrauded of their hard earn money, and your name and email address was also found on our list. The time frame is very short and technically, bank transfer is the fastest means of getting this done, so we have reverted to status. Mandate has been issued to a commission namely UNCLAIMED ASSET/ASSETS RE-UNITED, USA here in the UNITED STATE to effect this payment to you using it's traditional banking procedure, VIA WIRE TRANSFER and you are to contact the Executive director of JP MORGAN CHASE BANK for the release of the fund to be transferred into your nominated bank account, and here is the contact information below. Executive Director JP MORGAN CHASE BANK Mr. John Hoover Contact Address: 5558 Camino Al Norte, North Las Vegas, NV 89031 United State. Email: (, If you are receiving this notification for the first ($US15,500,000) which is on your name, can only be paid upon our receipt of your beneficiary identification security transfer CODE which is GN6720XN for clearance of the fund. Send it immediately to us for instant accreditation of your proceeds into your account as listed below. 1) Your full name 2) Phone, fax and mobile# 3) Address 4) Profession, age and marital status 5) Copy of your any valid ID card. Ensure you contact Mr. John Hoover with all your Full contact details regarding of your Fund and get back to us for more information. Sincerely ALBERTO GONZALES Unclaimed Asset Manager.,

SCAM- American Visa Lottery

Winner ***** American Visa Lottery******

Saturday, May 12, 2012 5:43 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients

We wish to notify you that you are among the lucky selected winners of the U.S. Green Card e-mail (ballot) lottery program of the 2011 edition, which was conducted under  the terms of Section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act  (INA) Section 131 of  the Immigration Act of 2007 (Pub.L.101-649)through our internet email extracting  and screening machine.
Notification is through the selected-email-addresses. Approximately 575 winners had been notified through their selected-email-addresses including you today. Your visa type permits you to travel with your family. Your visa duration is 10 years multiple entry to the U.S. It is renewable upon expiration and it permits you to work, study and own properties in the US .

Your Green Card winning details falls within our Europe/pacific region office and we have forwarded your winning details to our Europe/Pacific office for the processing of your immigrant visa application documents for the issuance of your visa which will permit you to travel to the U.S. to receive your
Please use the below contact details to contact our Europe pacific office where your case has been assigned. If it should be necessary to contact our Europe/Pacific office by email or telephone, you must always  refer green card. to your Case Number as they appear above.

Contact Person James Morgan
Address: Queensberry House, 106 Queens Road, Third Floor, Brighton, Sussex
Tel: +447035915325

Please read and follow all the enclosed instructions very carefully.
Selected winners and their accompanying family members should paid their visa fee and obtain their visas through the U.S. Embassy nearest to them with their application documents which will be processed and post to them by our Asia pacific office and they will need to act on their visa issuance application quickly before the expiration of the visa issuance deadline which is on the 25 09 2011
Do not reply back to this notification e-mail (busy)

Yours Sincerely
Mrs. Christina Zuckerberg
National Greencard Lottery Promotion center

SCAM- foreign remittance department of Bank in Burkina Faso


Saturday, May 12, 2012 2:36 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Dear Friend,

My name is Mr.Baro Onuku, I am the manager foreign remittance department of Bank in Burkina Faso West Africa. I have a business proposal in the tune of ($12.5 Million United States Dollar only) after the successful transfer;We shall share the fund in ratio of 40% for you and 50% for me,while 10% will be mapped out for any expenses we may incurre in this transaction if any.

Please if you are interested,So we can commence all arrangements,And I will Give you more information on how we would handle This project. Please treat this business with utmost Confidentiality and send me the Following information's below to enable us commence immediately:

(1) Full names......................... ............
(2) Private phone number....................
(3) Current residential address............
(4) Occupation.................... .................
(5) Age and Sex........................... ........

Best Regards,
Mr.Baro Onuku



Saturday, May 12, 2012 12:33 PM
To: "." <>
Dear Friend,

Greetings to you and your family , My name is Idrissa Mohammed manager of bill and exchange in bank, i have i business of 5.5 Million Euro to be transfer to your account for investment in your country if you are ready to assist me get back to me i will give you full details on how the money will be transfer to you.

You must assure me that everything will be handled confidentially because we are not going to suffer again in life. It has been 10 years now that most of the greedy Politicians used our bank to Launder money overseas through the help of their Political advisers.

Most of the funds which they transferred out of the shores of Africa was gold and oil money that was supposed to have been used to develop the continent.

Their Political advisers always inflated the amounts before transfer to foreign accounts so I also used the opportunity to divert part of the funds hence I am aware that there is no of facial trace of how much was transferred as all the accounts used for such transfers were being closed after transfer.

I acted as the Account Officer to most of the politicians and when I discovered that they were using me to succeed in their greedy act, I also cleaned some of their banking records from the Bank files and no one cared to ask me because the money was too much for them to control.

They laundered over (90 Million Euro) during the process .As I am sending this message to you, I was able to divert Five Million Five Hundred Thousand Euro (€5.5M) to an escrow account belonging to no one in the bank.

The bank is anxious now to know who is the beneficiary to the funds because they have made a lot of profits with the funds. It is more than Eight years now and most of the politicians are no longer using our bank to transfer funds overseas. The (5.5 Million Euro) has been lying waste but I don't want to retire from the bank without transferring the funds to a foreign account to enable me share the proceeds with the receiver.

The money will be shared 60% for me and 40% for you .There is no one coming to ask you about the funds because I secured everything. please quickly reply me
Yours Faithfully,


E_mail me form this;

SCAM- Foreign Remittance Department Central Bank Of Burkina-Faso (BCEAO)


Saturday, May 12, 2012 12:05 PM
To: ".mr.halim gabry" <>
Urgent Response Needed
From: Mr Halim Gabry.
Central Bank Of Burkina-Faso (BCEAO)
Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso
Kindly Reply Me Back Through This My Private Email Address:  (
Attn: Please,
This Message Might Meet You In Utmost Surprise. However, It's Just My Urgent Need For Foreign Partner That Made Me To Contact You For This Transaction. I Got Your Contact From Burkina Faso Chambers Of Commerce While I Was Searching For A Foreign Partner. I Assured Of Your Capability And Reliability To Champion This Business Opportunity When I Prayed To God Or Allah About You.
I Am A Banker By Profession From Burkina Faso In West Africa And Currently Holding The Post Of Manager Of Bill And Exchange At The Foreign Remittance Department Central Bank Of Burkina-Faso (BCEAO). I Have The Opportunity Of Transferring The Left Over Sum Of ($9.5 Million Dollars) That Belongs To Late Mr Rudi Hermanto From Indonesia Who Died Along With His Entire Family In The Tsunami Disaster In Indonesia And India 2004 And Since Then The Fund Has Been In A Suspense Account.
After My Further Investigation, I Discovered That Mr Rudi Hermanto Died With His Next Of Kin And According To The Laws And Constitution Guiding This Banking Institution Stated That After The Expiration Of (8) Eight Years, If No Body Or Person Comes For The Claim As The Next Of Kin, The Fund Will Be Channel Into National Treasury As Unclaimed Fund.  Because Of The Static Of This Transaction I Want You To Stand As The Next Of Kin So That Our Bank Will Accord You Their Recognition And Have The Fund Transfer To Your Account.
Hence, I Am Inviting You For A Business Deal Where This Money Can Be Shared Between Us In The Ratio Of 60% For Me And 40% For You. And Any Expenses Incidentally Occurred During The Transfer Will Be Incur By Both Of Us. The Transfer Is Risk Free On Both Sides Hence You Are Going To Follow My Instruction Till The Fund Transfer To Your Account.
Further Details Of The Transfer And Text Of Application Form Will Be Forwarded To You As Soon As I Receive Your Return Mail And You Should Contact Me Immediately As Soon As You Receive This Letter.
Your Full Name.....................
Your Sex...............................
Your Age..................................
Your Country.......,.....................
Passport / Driving License...............
Marital Status...................................
Your Occupation........................................
Your Personal Mobile Number.....................
Your Personal Fax Number......................
Trusting To Hear From You Immediately  
Mr Halim Gabry
Kindly Reply Me Back Through This My Private Email Address: (

SCAM- Manager of Bank Of Africa Burkina faso


Saturday, May 12, 2012 8:22 AM
To: "." <>

Dear Friend,
Let me start by introducing myself,I am Mr Mazar Idris. Manager of Bank Of Africa Burkina faso.
I am writting you this letter based on the latest development at my Department which I will like to bring to your personal edification.($8.2million ) transfer claims.please it is only known between me and you keep it secret.
This is a legitimate transaction and I agreed to offer you 40% of this money as my foreign partner after confirmation of the fund in your bank account, If you are interested,get back to me with the following details below.
(1)Your age........
(2)Your occupation.....
(3)Your marital status.....
(4)Your full residential address.......
(5)Your private phone and fax number and your complete name.......
As soon as I receive these data's, I will forward to you the application form which you will send to the bank,
Best Regard
Mr Mazar Idris


Please consider me.

Saturday, May 12, 2012 3:49 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients

From The Desk of Mrs Alkhazzan Mona Ahmed.
Branch Manager National Bank of Abu Dhabi
Al Ain Branch Ali Ibn Abi Talib St, Near Oud
Al Tawba Round About,United Arab Emirates U.A .E


This message might meet you in (utmost surprise), however,it's just my
urgent need for foreign partner that made me to contact you for this

I got your e-mail address in Internet while browsing after I decided to contact you and ask for your assistance in this urgentmatter, requiring trust and confidentiality, I am Alkhazzan Mona Ahmed Saudi Arabian Citizen,am the Branch manager, National Bank of Abu Dhabi, (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES), Married with Five children.

I have the opportunity of transferring the left over funds of US$12,000,000.00 (Twelve Million United State Dollars) our bank deceased customer late Mr. Thomas Stone who died on (Egypt Air Flight 990) along with his family left unclaimed with our bank to you as the beneficiary.

I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply.
After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his
contract employers, the Petroleum Corporation that Mr. Thomas Stone, died
in the plane crash On October 31, 1999, (an Egyptian Boeing 767 Flight
990) with other passengers on board as you can confirm it yourself via the
website below.

Hence i am inviting you for a business deal where this money can be shared between us in the ratio of 50/40 while 10% will be mapped out for expenses that may occur on the process.As a woman I want to entrust this fund  in your hands for the future of my family.

Please note that by the virtue of my position in the bank, I have worked
out the perfect modality as well as I shall provide the relevant
information's and documents for the successful claim and transfer of the
funds in the account that will be provided by you.

I can not stand in the forefront of this transaction because I work with
the bank, that is why I have come to you, for assistance be rest assured
that this project involve no risk to you, upon the receipt of your
acceptance mail , I will provide you with  further

Respectfully yours,

Alkhazzan Mona Ahmed.
Branch Manager National Bank of Abu Dhabi
Al Ain Branch Ali Ibn Abi Talib St, Near Oud
Al Tawba Round About, United Arab Emirates

SCAM- Update Your PayPal Account

Update Your PayPal Account

Friday, May 11, 2012 11:01 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Message contains attachments
1 File (7KB)
During our regularly scheduled account maintenance and verification procedure we have detected a slight error in your PayPal account. This might be due to the following reasons: 1. A recent change in your personal information (ie. change of address, email address) 2. An inability to accurately verify your selected option of payment due to an internal error within our systems. We have attached a form to this email. Please download the form and follow the instructions on your screen. NOTE: The form needs to be opened in a modern browser which has javascript enabled (ex: Internet Explorer, Firefox ,Netscape) Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choice but to temporary suspend your account. Sincerely, PayPal Account Review Department. Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address are not monitored. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and choose the "Help" link in the footer of any page.


Congratulations !!! Dear Lucky Winner

Thursday, May 10, 2012 5:39 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Congratulations !!! Dear Lucky Winner,


We are Pleased to inform you that your Email Address was selected among the winners of Asia Pacific International Lottery Promotion year 2012.

You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay of US$ 1,000, 000.00 (ONE MILLION UNITED STATE DOLLARS ONLY)

For more details visit our website below:

Kindly click on the weblink for full information and direction on how to redeem your cash prize.

Congratulations Once again !!!

Announcer !!!
Dr.Thanaporn Deng
President, Asia Pacific Lottery Organization.


Attn Sir/Madam

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 2:30 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Metro Plaza, Plot 991/992
Zakari Maimalari Street
Cadastral Zone AO,
Central Business District, Abuja.


The BRITISH High Commission in Nigeria, Benin Republic, Ghana and Burkina Faso received a report of scam against you and other British/US and Malaysian citizens, Etc. The countries of Nigeria, Benin Republic, Burkina Faso and Ghana have recompensed you following the meeting held with the four countries' Government and various countries' high commission for the fraudulent activities carried out by the four countries' Citizens.

Your name was among those scammed as listed by the Nigeria Financial Intelligent Unit (NFIU). Compensation has been issued out in Certified Bank Drafts to all the affected victims and has been already been in distribution to all the bearers. Your draft was among those that were reported undelivered as at on Friday and we wish to advise you to see to the instructions of the Committee to make sure you receive your draft immediately.

According to the number of applicants at hand, 184 Beneficiaries has been paid, half of the victims are from the United States, and we still have more 37 left to be paid the compensations of $2,500,000.00 USD each.

Your particulars was mentioned by one of the Syndicates who was arrested as one of their victims of the operations, you are hereby warned not to communicate or duplicate this message to him for any reason whatsoever as the U.S. secret service is already on trace of the other criminals.

So keep it secret till they are all apprehended. Other victims who have not been contacted can submit their application as well for scrutiny and possible consideration.

NFIU further told us that the use of Nigeria and Ghana Couriers was abolished due to interception activities noticed in the above mentioned courier services in Benin, Nigeria and Ghana and thereby have made a concrete arrangement with the Courier Company for a safe delivery to your door-step once the beneficiary meets up the demand of the conveyance.

We advise that you do the needful to make sure the NFIU dispatches your Draft on Friday.

You are assured of the safety of your draft and availability. Be advised that you should stop further contacts with all the fake lawyers and security companies who in collaboration scammed you. Get back to me immediately  with your correct full details (Full Name, Contact Address And Reachable Telephone Number) to check if the delivery date suits you.

Yours in Service,
Mr John Simmons



Tuesday, May 8, 2012 5:55 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Attention: Beneficiary
REFERENCE: CBN/0080/02/99
Your File appears in our desk two days ago your name was discovered as next on the list from the records of outstanding contractors due for payment with the Federal Ministry of Finance office that you are among the people approved to be paid half of their part payment of USD$8 Million dollars. Signed by the New Elected President of Federal Republic of Nigeria DR GOODLUCK JONATHAN On behalf of Mr. President. I need your above information requested to re-confirm the following information to us for final authentication and approval of your Contract fund.also we need a copy of your passport or driver's license
1. Your Full Name.
2. Your Age/Sex.
3. Your Location.
4. Profession,and Marital Status
5. Your Phone, fax and mobile.
Finally as soon as you get back to me your payment would be directed to the Telex Programmer of the First Bank of Nigeria, who would get in touch with you
regarding your funds transfer.
Special Adviser to Mr. President
(Federal Republic of Nigeria)

Friday, May 11, 2012


[ No Subject ]

Thursday, May 10, 2012 7:55 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients

Merevale House, Brompton Place,
London SW3 1QE. United Kingdom
Batch: 174/05/ZY369
Telephone Number: +4470457 00677

Dear E-mail Owner,

You are receiving this message because you are a Winner of 300,000 Pounds
from BMW Automobile Online Lottery game.

A random email balloting system selected your email address amongst a
total of five (5) winners without the sale of any tickets.

Claim requirements are as follows:
(1) Your full names
(2) Contact Address
(3) Age
(4) Occupation
(5) Telephone
(6) Sex
(7) Nationality

Contact Mr. Thomas Hillary on ( Tel: +4470457

You will be furnished with details on how to receive your prize as soon as
we receive your response to this mail. Be sure to check all incoming mail
folders including your junk folder for subsequent mails from us.

NB: You are to reply directly to this emails
( because any mail sent to any other email
address will not be attended to.

Angela Ray
Annoucer For BMW Automobile Promo.

SCAM- Dear Friend

Dear Friend,

Thursday, May 10, 2012 9:08 AM

Dear Friend,

How are you? I want to inquire from you if you can handle a transaction for mutual benefits/life opportunity for you and me. I am Dr.Jaslin Ikhsan. The Chief International Relation Foreign Remittance Unit of my bank here in Burkina Faso Ouagadougou Branch.
I Have an Opportunity to the Sum of Fifteen Million,

Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$15.500.000.00), to transfer into your bank account over there in your country. I will provide the full details of this business transaction when once we known each other as business with trust. I personally will contact  you and you alone.

The fund will be shared at the ratio of 58% for me. 40% for you and 2% will be set aside to cover any expenses and tax in your bank.

Please treat this business proposal with utmost confidentiality and send me the following Information's if you are interested.

Your Full Name: ...................................
Your Address: .....................
Your Age: .........................
Your Direct Phone Numbers: ..................
Your Country: ...............................
Your Profession: ...........................
Your Sex: .................................

Thanks and best regards.
Dr.Jaslin Ikhsan (ECONS)
House Phone: 00226 71359636
Mobile: 00226 70568795

SCAM- Dear Bank of America account holder- VIRUS

Please complete your registration information

Thursday, May 10, 2012 11:35 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Bank of America logo

Dear Bank of America account holder,

In order to safeguard your account, we require that you confirm your account details. To help speed up this process, please access the following link so we can complete the verification of your Bank of America Account registration information.

To get started, please click on the following link:

Thank you,
Paul Francis,
Senior Vice President,
Bank of America.



Thursday, May 10, 2012 2:26 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients
I apologize if the contents in this mail are contrary to your moral ethics which I feel may be of great disturbance to your personal life, but I feel quite safe dealing with you. Though this medium (Internet) has been greatly abused,
I choose to reach you through it because it remains the fastest, surest and most secured medium of communication. However, this correspondence is purely private, and it should be treated as such. I am contacting you based on Trust and confidence I have reposed higher in your ability to handle this matter perfectly for my sake.
I am Angela Combs from Australia I am married to Mr. Greg Combs who worked with Australian Embassy here in South Africa and also deal on diamond business with some reputable mining companies for nine years before he died in the year 2004.  We were married for eleven years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days. Before his death we were both born again Christian.
Since his death I decided not to re-marry or get a child outside my matrimonial home which the Bible is against. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $9.Million (Nine Million U.S. Dollars) in a financial Vault. Presently,
this money is still in a financial Vault. Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next two Months due to cancer of the lungs and what disturbs me most is my stroke sickness. Having known my condition I decided to keep this fund in the vault because I want an organization or an individual that will use this fund for orphanages, widows, propagating the word of God and to endeavor that the house of God is maintained. The Bible made us to understand that
Blessed is the hand that giveth . I took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this money.
I will introduce you to my family lawyer that will prepare an authorization letter of claiming the funds without any Attorney fee my happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian. Whoever that wants to serve the Lord must serve him in spirit and truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing another person for this same purpose Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated.
Herein hoping to receive your reply and Remain blessed in the Lord Please send me your complete information, to enable me send over to my family attorney.
(1). Full names:
(2). contact address:
(3). Phone:
(4). Cell phone:
(5). Age:
(6). Occupation
Yours faithfully,
Angela Combs.
E-mail (P)

SCAM- We Have Concluded To Release Your Fund Via Western Union

We Have Concluded To Release Your Fund Via Western Union

Thursday, May 10, 2012 8:08 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Your (3.1Musd) has been released via Western Union. Email Mr.Eric James at: (  ) Send him your full details and ask him to give you Your  MTCN.
George Annie

SCAM- mystery shoppers


Thursday, May 10, 2012 10:00 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients

We are accepting applications for qualified individuals to become mystery shoppers. It's fun and rewarding. There is no charge to become a shopper and you do not need any experience and you would be paid $200 for every duty you carryout.

1. You will receive funding for the assignment.
2. You will receive the Instruction for your assignment via mail on the location and details of the assignment.
3. You are to complete the assignment as fast and discreetly as possible.
4. You will be asked to visit a business location to conduct business be it a restaurant, shopping store etc.

You will receive a flat sum of $200 per assignment. The company will furnish you with all expense needed for the assignment and any other expense incurred during the course of executing your assignment.

Note: You are to follow all instructions given to you to the fullest. KINDLY REPLY THIS EMAIL WITH THE UNDER-LISTED INFORMATION TO PROCEED ON YOUR FIRST ASSIGNMENT.

Your Full Name:
Your Full Address (NOT P.O Box):
Phone Number(s):

We look forward to working with you.

Your sincerely,
Mystery Shopper(R).

SCAM- Rebecca Elaine Denny

Dear Beloved,

Friday, May 11, 2012 1:35 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Dear  Beloved,
I hope my message find you in good health?
I am pleased to be in contact with you after my search for a trustee to carry out some  humanitarian work.
I am contacting you in view of the fact that we could be of great assistance to each other,  developing a cordial relationship towards humanitarian work to help the less privilege and to  put smile on their faces.
I want to re-profile the funds my husband left behind to establish a charity foundation in my  family name to keep memories alive. I am seeking your humble service as my trustee who will make  sure the aim and objectives of the foundation is duly established to give hope to the hopeless.
I will appreciate your quick response to this gesture.
Stay Blessed,
Mrs. Rebecca Elaine Denny.

SCAM- Account Verification- VIRUS

Account Verification !!!

Friday, May 11, 2012 6:52 AM

Thanks for using Yahoo mail, This message is from yahoo messaging center to all yahoo free account owners and premium account owners. We are currently upgrading our data base and e-mail account center. We are deleting all unused yahoo account to create more space for new accounts.

To prevent your account from closure Click here
 for a quick update.


Yahoo Team.

Thank You for Being A Loyal Yahoo! Mail User, 

We hope you enjoy the newest version of Yahoo! Mail.

SCAM- Microsoft Rewards


Friday, May 11, 2012 9:06 AM
To: "Recipients" <>
Attention Beneficiary,

This is to inform you that you have won a prize of £450,000.00.( Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds ) in 2011. YAHOO, MSN, AOL & MICROSOFT WINDOWS, collects email addresses of active Web Users. Among the millions that subscribed to Yahoo, Hotmail, Aol and other e-mail service providers, five Beneficiaries are selected every year as winners through an Electronic Balloting System without the winner applying. We congratulate you for being one of the Beneficiaries selected.


You are to contact your Claims Agent on or before your date of Claim,Winners shall be paid in accordance with his/her Settlement Center.


FULL NAME:......................



HOME ADDRESS:.....................

WINNING EMAIL:...................

PHONE (MOBILE) preferred :..................................

You are requested to contact the EVENTS AGENT MANAGER with your claim information above and send it to the contact address below.

Microsoft Promotion Award Team
Phone:      +60104602745     

Our special thanks and gratitude to Bill Gates and Associates. Accept our hearty congratulations once again.