Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Criticism why is it done

We always see how all the political candidates criticize each other to get elected and we see how people make up all sorts of stuff for famous people.. The only thing that I do not understand is why... Could it be the political candidates are afraid that they do not have better views on how to run things... If that is the case I do not base my votes on what they say about the candidate, I base my vote on if I feel they will be able to handle the job and get things done... I am not one to chose a person to be in a spot of leadership by judging what they did in there past I go for what they want to do to make thing better... I think it takes a person who has went through rough times and has brought themselves out of them to be a good leader... My reasons for this are they have seen how that bad is and know how to get out of it, whether it be criminal or so far in debt they didn't know what is going to happen to them the next day... A leader that has always had money does not know how to get out of financial problem like the ones who have experienced them... As for the famous people criticisms I believe they are done by people that are jealous... They believe if they can start a good rumor that just maybe it will get there name out there... The people who make such criticisms should spend there time trying to do something good that would effect the way we all live, once they accomplish that then they to will be famous...          

Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Bad Virus Software choice

Found all these on a computer
Symantec Virus Software is a bad choice for virus protection. All of these Viruses were found on a person that I knows computer that got this software from the military... If this is the software that they use they are in trouble because most of them viruses that I removed were Trojans... I used a Free but good virus program called Malwarebytes. Before I used this software I updated and ran the Symantec Virus Software and it found 96 Trojans, then I figured I'd try Malwarebytes and as you can see it found 1896 Viruses and removed them.. I just hope this is not the virus software that our military uses because it is a very bad choice... It makes me wounder how safe all of our secrets really are...  

Friday, January 27, 2012

Companies Break laws and get away with it

People ask me all the time why I have had so many different jobs well here is the answer to your question... I have had a lot of jobs because ever place I worked was either unsafe or unfair to its employees.. For instance When I worked for Domino's Pizza  I was an assistant manager making minimum wage and what I had to deal with daily was pathetic, The manager when I worked there hired a good looking girl and it took some attention away from the manager so the manager used to make sure she got very few hours... When the manager was not there she would call me and say tell her to go home after she has been there for 2 hours.... Then I brought to there attention of a driver who drank and drove while on duty they did nothing about it, I wanted to speak to Corporate when they would come but they made sure I was not around when they came....  Then another job was working for Kennametal as a temp in Orwell, I was very good at my job and always exceeded the daily quota then one-day I hurt my knee and had to have surgery that plant manager seen that and asked me what happened so I told him, well the next day I got a phone call saying that my job was terminated do to poor work.... That was a lie and the employees there could tell you that....  Then there was the job working at Grand Valley Door Co. owned by woodcraft, that place was a trip I worked in the back pulling wood off selves well to my finding out none of the selves were bolted to the floor and they let anyone drive the tow-motors someone hit a self and I watched it sway hoping it didn't fall on me... Circle K was the worst it took me a little while to figure it out but they were changing peoples hours I am going to bet they stole at least a few thousand from me... I figures this out when I worked overtime because someone slept in and was 4 hours, late yea to my surprise they took them hours from me and gave them to the person who was late...  I did my investigation there by getting onto the managers computers and comparing the end of the week time cards with the clock in and out sheets, found out they were changing hours of people every week and it went on since I started there....  I will never forget working at Rochlin Glastics in South Euclid that place was a union job and never again will I do that, union employees are lazy I was supposed to be getting trained by one but all I learned from them were you go on a smoke break every half hour... I kept getting blamed because product was getting messed up but they had a person who was in training running 4 presses that were so old it looked as though they were from the 60's... The only time they really enforced safety rules were when they were being inspected by the EPA and the employees both on the floor and in the office were having a person stop by once a week to sell bootlegged DVDs... 256togo.com a horrible company to work for you are a private contractor driver and after all there fees you make pretty much nothing I worked 6 days a week and only got a little over $100 a week... They don't care about the drivers, my radiator cracked and they told me I had to keep driving and it was not easy to do.... Took me 2 weeks pay to get that fixed and all they kept doing was bothering me because each time they log you in its a dollar out of your check.... I would love to find a place to work for that does not break laws all the time there are many more jobs all with broken laws but this is long enough...

adBrite a US Company Trying to Stop Free Speech

Hi Robert,

Thank you for contacting adBrite!

Unfortunately we do not allow any references or discussion regarding illegal drugs.  I understand that you are just stating facts but we simply cannot allow it.  You must keep your advertisers in mind in regards to the content of your site.  This content would cause advertisers to cancel their campaigns and remove their ads from your site because they do not want there ads next to content discussing illegal drugs.

If you would like use our services we would ask that you please remove the Marijuana article.

Feel free to ask if you have any additional questions.


Chase P.
Client Services

This is pathetic I can not believe an ad company in the United States would be trying to limit what you could say... This country was founded on the freedom of speech religion and press and this company thinks that in order to be able to use its services you are not aloud to discuss certain topics... Well guess what I will not be removing my article about the economic benefits of legalizing Marijuana... I am a US Citizen and there for it is my right to practice my freedoms and you as a US Company should have to listen to the LAWS granting them Freedoms....

The Economic Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana

The US Government spends $9Billion each year housing, feeding, Clothing, and even paying there medical bills... With 33,665 State Inmates and 10,785 Federal Inmates all on Marijuana charges... The Government needs to think about this, this one natural drug has huge potential in making some serious tax revenue... I am going to make an example of potential tax revenue with just the price of a joint which is $5.00.... If the Government was to put a $0.50 tax on that $5.00 Joint making the total price $5.50 this is not including any state sales tax that would be placed on the joint... We are going to say that there would be 8Million buyers that would come out to $4Million with just the purchase of 1 joint each... Now if they were to buy lets say 10 joints each a day that would be $40Million a day in tax Revenue... Now 10 joints a day for a full year would be $29.2Billion per a year....  I would have to say that is a number that we could sure use coming into our countries tax Revenue.... Now that also doesn't include the great Economic impact it would have on our country..... It would put $400Million a day into our Economy and $146Billion a year into our economy.... This really is something our Government needs to look into because the war on this drug will never end why can't we just let it go and make money off of it....

Thursday, January 26, 2012

What 1 Pirated Movie cost our economy

I decided today that I was going to go to a website that illegally post movies online and take 1 of the movies and add up the number of views to figure out how much it is taking out of our economy.. The movie I chose was Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chip-Wrecked that movie as of tonight when I looked had a total of 69,713 views. If we were to multiply that by $8.50 the price of a movie ticket these days our economy would be losing $592,560.50 now that is just with lost movie ticket prices but this movie is on DVD now and I am not sure how many of those views were after it came out on DVD so I am going to add $200,000 to that total as a rough estimated guess at what out losses were... So the new Grand Total as of today is $792,560.50 as our loss that could have been helping our Economy instead these websites are giving them away free and making money from ad companies selling ads on their sites... Well I got bored so I decided to take the number viewed from that one number and do an guess that I know will be a lot smaller than what it would be in reality on this website there are 146,067 movie choices so I multiplied that number with the 69,713 views from the Chipmunks movie knowing that some of these movies have a lot more views and some probably less and came up with 10,182,786,771 views of movies now this does not count any movies that was downloaded and put on DVD and sold that way... This right here with the life of this website has cost the Economy $86,553,534,553.50. That is a lot of money now these are just estimated numbers and again I only used $8.50 the price of a movie ticket in my area to come up with that cost.. This does not include any DVD sales that were missed out on because of this mass theft... We complain that the Economy is messed up but that is because we allow theft like this to be done... If this continues that number may be doubled before the end of the year....

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Racism in America Still exist today

OK now McDonald's is going a little to far now
In the first place the food they serve is disgusting, what in the world makes them think anyone would pay them an additional $1.50 when you are not even paying for good food... This is an outrage to see such a Racist picture even if it was just a joke by one of their employees it is still uncalled for... There needs to be an investigation into this horrible picture and it needs to be taken care of because the last thing we need is Jesse Jackson to be running his mouth about racism... If this was a joke you really need to be careful because the government doesn't take very well to civil rights violations and let me tell you this is a big one... But hey what are we going to do people are always abusing there freedom of speech without even thinking if it is legal or not... You may think this is free speech but in fact it is racism because your singling out one single Race which under the Constitution it is a violation of Civil Right which is a Federal Crime... Think before you joke people the government is serious about this kind of crime...   


South Carolina and the Confederate Flag Problem

The South Carolina State House still flying that damn Confederate Flag

The biggest issue with South Carolina is that it will not remove the Confederate Flag from the State House.. They should be forced to remove this flag as it is showing that the state still believes that it is part of a nation which does not exist... We all know that South Carolina will withdraw itself from the United States of America the question is when... There are still policy makers in this state that wish to do so and if they had the backing would try... I believe that this states keeps this flag flying because they know that one-day they will try again to pull away from America, and they already have there country flag which still fly's at the State Capitol... It should be illegal by federal law that any US state be aloud to fly such flags without having a US Flag on a single pole... This law would not include single people but just state governments... The only flags a state government should be flying at there state capitol  are their State flag and the United States flag  no others...

Governor Nikki Haley

Today I Finally got to talk to governor Nikki Haley's office about the reason my drivers license was suspended.. Let me tell you I will never talk to them people again they are rude and don't care about anything... When I talked to Susanne Cooper of the Governor's Office Constituent Services at this number (803) 734-9873 this morning I found out that they do not care in fact from what I was told this has happened to a lot of people... I then told her I never received any notice that my license was being suspended and she said that doesn't matter.. Well to me it DOES matter because if I would have received this so called notice I would have went and took care of the problem.. Goes to show you that if you live in the state of South Carolina and your car breaks down in another state and you are not sure if you will ever be able to get to it again and you forget to take the plate off you better keep that insurance on it because if you don't good by driving privileges... Then when I asked why my license was suspended when I have seen people who drop their insurance and drive around for months uninsured and nothing happens to them no fines and still a valid drivers license...  Shows me that the only thing this GOVERNOR cares about is making sure she has lots of money and the rest of the population suffers.... She can't say she brought the new jobs to this state because she DIDN'T, the fact that this is a right to work state brought them... They hate Unions and there are none in this state... I WILL NOT be voting for this lady again and recommend that we find a new leader of the state....

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The 2012 State of the Union Address

Here is the January 24 2012 State of the Union Address for those of you who missed it. It was a good one With many good things being said... The rich should have to pay more in taxes than the poor... The one topic that I don't know why never gets talked about should get talked about so I will say it here, Education is always the first to get cut when things go bad.. Why this is I don't know but they need to fix that problem it is hurting America bad... While I was in college I was so embarrassed on how bad I was at math than the people from other countries... They know math so much better because their country requires all that math and pays there schools because they know that the smarter the generation the better the country will do Economically in the future.... 

World Trade Center

If only the World Trade Center Buildings could move like that.
We all remember that horrible September morning when the planes were hijacked and crashed into the World Trade Center Buildings in New York City... I remember like it was yesterday were I was, I was sitting in US History Taught by Mr. Marsh.. I just happened to be staring out the window when all of a sudden a student from the classroom next to us came in and said he was told to tell us to turn on the TV... Well we did and to my surprise I saw a building on fire then all of a sudden I seen an airplane fly into the second building, I knew that at that moment I was sitting in a US History Class watching a whole new part of US History being made... I hated it I thought to myself what if it was my parent in one of the buildings or even worse, happened to be on one of the planes  it scared me because one of my uncles was always flying for business and I didn't even know if he was already gone on business or if he was on a plane... I never thought I would ever see something like that and I wished it was all a dream no one ever deserves to die like that... I agreed with the war only because I was mad but now that I think about it why did we even bother all it did was cause more death and no guarantee that something like that will never happen again.... It only comes down to one thing regardless of how hard you try to protect the people there will always be that time when you just turn your head for 1 second and boom it all happened again... I will always remember them victims even tho I didn't know any of them personally... Lets all stick together and have pride everyday not just when something bad happens; because if everyone would stand up and show support everyday this country would be stronger than it ever has been...  

President Barack Obama

1. Got Osama bin laden...check 
2.unemployment rate 8.5%...check. 
3. 1.6 million jobs created with no GOP help...check 
4. 22 months of job and economic growth with no help...check 
5. Ended war in Iraq ...check 
6. DADT repeal...check 
7.not one tax hike in 3 years....check 
8.Brought out of racism in the Gop...check 
9.Still carry 80% of the black vote...check 
10.Same wife for 15 years wi...th no extra marital affairs...check 
11. Save auto industry and 1.5 million jobs.. check 
12.Assisted in ousting Khaddafi...check 
13.Only active President to receive Nobel Peace prize while in office. check
14. Mortgage modification to prevent home owners from losing their home. check
15. STILL fighting for middle class families.  check
16.reform Affordable healthcare.... check 
17.Had 2 Hostages Rescued for Somalia..... check  
Despite what the GOP would have you believe the President has been doing these things and more by himself. Obama 2012
Reference were this information was taken 

Ron Paul

I am a Democrat, and if I had to choose a Republican candidate as a president I'd choose Ron Paul.. Ron Paul in my opinion has some good ideas as how to fix the federal governments spending problems.. I do not believe that everything he wants to do would happen, because congress would stand in the way just like they did for President Obama.. The US loosing its perfect credit rating was not President Obama's fault in fact the blame lays with the congress; because they knew that the deadline was coming and they knew the threats from the credit bureau, but they still chose take their time in passing a bill that they knew was not going to suit the credit bureaus request to show that the government was trying to stop its outrageous spending... With Ron Paul in office we may actually stop spending money overseas that we can not afford to keep spending.. It is nice to see this country is so generous in helping countries in need, but at this moment the money we keep spending overseas could be spent in our country helping all the citizens that need the help... Our Government has their priority's messed up; because the wealth-fare of its citizens should be the number one priority.. The getting rid of the departments in Ron Paul's plan is one thing that he shouldn't do what he needs to do is overhaul all of the departments and get rid of the parts that are not working and keep what is working...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Does Justin Bieber Swing Both ways

Does Justin Bieber Swing Both ways

The popular teenager has been on the news all over the world every now and then.  Rumors about his much speculated girlfriend Selena Gomez and the latest shocker is Justin Bieber gay sent waves in the media. This Canadian born, Brit award winner has been bold in putting his views about the social problems and saying the right things upfront. Justin started his career only after posting his performing videos and music on the most popular YouTube in 2007. There have been multiple hits and millions of fans shared this link just by word of mouth.  You tube channel with Justin Bieber singing songs of Usher and Stevie Wonder got more than 100 million hits. The next thing you know is Island records chose to sign up with Justin Bieber in 2008, especially since he has shown courage to stand up against the homosexuality label and abortions amongst teens.
In the interview with a celebrity magazine Justin mentioned how sexuality was a choice rather than some uncontrollable part of life. This has raised hue and cry forcing many people to ask is Justin Bieber gay! The statement was clear that it is everyone’s own decision and there is no effect on any individual of this sexuality status.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Why I Enjoy Helping People In Need

I have always been one to help a person or persons whom I believe would benefit... Thru the years I have given away thousands of dollars and never once expected a penny or any other form of payment in return... For me helping a person in need has always and will always be big in my life.. I do hope one day to start a charity because I am not big or trusting of most charities that exist in today's corrupt world... That does not mean that they are all bad because I am sure there are good ones... My biggest achievement in helping someone was when I met this single mother, she was a sweet girl who was working in a low paying job and not getting very many hours... She was a dedicated hard worker but was still being treated unfairly... I was only able to help her because I was a single person who worked 3 different jobs... I found out how bad her situation was by talking to her, I found out she was about to loose her vehicle so I asked her how much the payments were after I told her how high my car payment was... She told me then I told her I would be back because I forgot to do something... What she didn't know was that I was going to the ATM were I withdrew about $800 put it in an envelope and gave it to her and said I hope this will help you and your daughter out... When she seen how much it was she refused the money saying she could not pay me back... I told her that having her friendship was payment enough and that she needed the money more than I did... I still talk to her to this day and we have became real good friends she still struggles in life as do we all in such hard times... I am not able to be so generous these days, but you can rest a sure that one-day  I will get back on my feet and be looking for that next person or persons that I can make a difference in their lives... I do know that, that girl to this day wishes and swears she will pay me back... I know she appreciated it more than the others because she always reminds me how much she owes me and yes if we were to add it up it would be well more than 800, but I am not and I will never ask for a penny of it back.... I still don't know why I love doing this so much it hasn't helped my life at all in-fact it has probably been the reason why I am so broke now... I would rather be broke my whole life knowing that I have helped people that needed it than not helping and having all sorts of money and watching the one who could benefit suffer...

Friday, January 20, 2012

South Carolina Drivers License

Well I feel that I am being treated unfair... It all started in October of 2011 I went to Florida to visit a friend on my way back I noticed my car was acting up... I was 100 miles from were my friend in Florida lives and around 400 miles from my house I decided to turn around after calling my friends and telling them I turned around and wasn't sure if my car would make it back to their house... Well on my way back to my friends house my car broke down on the side of the highway, I waited until a State Trooper came and picked my up and took my to a gas station were I waited for my friends to come get me and take me back to there house... When I got back to South Carolina it was getting close to time for me to pay for insurance.. I wasn't aware that in this state you had to return your plates before canceling your insurance... Well they told me today when I went to the DMV that they sent me a letter saying my license was going to be suspended, well I never received any such letter and one was not delivered to the address that I had on file for them to send stuff.... If I would have know that my license was about to be suspended I would have went and took care of the problem but nope I ended up going to the DMV 2 days after the letter said my license was going to be suspended.... I sent a letter to the Governor hopefully she will do something but everyone I talked to said she wouldn't... I don't understand why this happened I wasn't driving without insurance and now for the first time ever I have a suspended drivers License... Its funny how it works I have seen people that let their insurance lapse and they keep driving and don't get penalized for it.... I have seen people with suspended Drivers License driving they don't get caught... I have even see someone use plates from a different car for months and never get caught... But I get in trouble because my car breaks down in another state and I didn't know to take my plate off and take it to the DMV.... Sounds like to me I am being treated unfair, maybe they should focus more on the people who are causing problems and not the people who have done nothing.... If the state don't believe me I can let them talk to the person who drove from South Carolina to Florida to pick me up and bring me back...  

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Funny Dog and Fish Video

Some peoples dogs are sheep dogs, and even cops but my dog is a fish dog.... She love to babysit the fish, it is oh-most impossible to hold her when someone gets near them I tried and got my face all scratched up....

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA and PIPA The Government taking more freedoms away

Here we go again the government is trying to take more of our freedoms away.... We all need to get in contact with the worthless law makers we have and tell them to focus their jobs on fixing the country and not on taking more of our freedoms away.... If SOPA and PIPA get passed it will destroy the way the internet is and pretty much cause a lot of websites to end up shutting down.... Looks like our congress does not care about creating jobs like they so call say they are focusing on instead they just want to destroy the one good thing they still have in their lives... Without all the freedoms the internet offers all of our free education will vanish causing students to not be able to do all their research to the best of their ability.... Looks like it is getting close to time for Americans to take back their country before all these career politicians destroy what our founding father tried to make... To see who supports and opposes the bill got Here.. we need to work on the supporters to keep our free speech... Sign the Petition let congress know we are not going down without a fight....

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


For all of you people who love to do them prank phone calls here is a great site to look at SPOOFEM... I myself love this company because you can put a fake phone number to show up on a caller ID or you can even do fake text messages and give a random number this way they can not text back to you... They have a spy store you can find it at the website I provided earlier in this blog... It doesn't hurt to give it a look the down fall to this service is that it does cost money but the prank would be untraceable.... If your into the Stock market give them a look SPFM.PK is their ticker...

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Right to Vote

Every US Citizen should have the right to vote... I don't think the should banish you from being able to vote because of past criminal actions... It is wrong to do that, why because you can be elected into a political office with a felony... Why should we not allow Felons to vote?? With dumb laws like that shrinks the amount of voters that can and will vote, this country was founded on the power of the people and in my opinion you can't have the power of the people when you tell some they have no right in voting on leaders or even raising taxes in your town... That in my opinion is wrong your telling someone he has no right to voice his opinion with a vote if he doesn't agree with a possible leader or maybe even that new levy your town is trying to get passed... I do agree that in order to be eligible to vote as a felon you should have completed your entire sentence... Voting is a right given to us by the US Constitution don't let the government try and limit our rights that are given to us... If you do what was the sense on the US Revolutionary War...

The Government should do its job

When it comes to Illegal People entering the US the Government does not do its job very well... There would be thousands of jobs open if only the Illegal Mexicans were to be sent back home... We have a Border Patrol but they seem to be worthless I think it is time for the Government to allow Private Companies to be formed to take on the job as US border protection... It would create thousands of jobs plus we could still have the Border Patrol so that more ground is protected... I believe that the US citizens would do a better job at protecting our Borders and removing any and all Illegal Immigrants from our country... They say that companies that hire illegals can and will be fined, well that may be true but first the government needs to actually go looking for the places that hire such people... Companies will continue to hire Illegals as long as they know the chances of the government ever looking for them is very bad... Our border protection is a must for National Security, if we can't keep people from getting in illegal whats to say we will stop terrorist from sneaking past the so called Border Patrol...

Online Casino and Sports Betting Accepting US Betters and Players

Check it out... Beers Blogs is here to offer you your betting needs all with a click of a mouse button... You can bet on sports or even play in the Casino all online and win REAL money.... The best part is that this Casino Accepts US Players Accepting US Players

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Are the Tax payers making a Good Investment in Some College Students

The other day I was talking to some college students... This guy walks up and starts talking to this girl, then when he leaves her boyfriend who is a sophomore in college actually to my surprise used the phrase "Who that Be?" I was shocked... It has me thinking is the government using the American Tax payers money on the correct people when giving Financial Aid??? I think it is time for the government to do an audit on financial aid money being given out.. There are many American children who would benefit a lot but don't get that chance because there are no standards for receiving this aid... Maybe that person is a college student but you don't use phrases like that while in college you talk professional.. I told that student that talking like that will make him look bad and he should watch when he uses phrases like that; because he never knows who is around him there could have been a person interested in hiring him until he heard that use of English...  

Beers Blogs Amazon.com Store

Hello all this is an off topic post but just wanted to make you all aware of the Beers Blogs Amazon.com Store  it is now up and running... You can get all your Amazon.com stuff that you would normally buy from there website thru the Beers Blogs Amazon Store which is thru Amazon... So check it out there is no harm in it...


Saturday, January 14, 2012

What Cities Need to do to get People to Recycle

What cities need to do to get more Americans to Recycle is give incentives... Cities offer curbside recycling but with that people have to be willing to sort thru their trash to separate the recyclables from the trash.. People are not motivated to do that you do have some that do it but its just a lot easier to throw everything in the trash.. I am one person who recycles and it takes work... I am trying to get my step father involved but he wants no part of it... He tells me when they give him some sort of incentive for doing it he will... I think that they should put bar-codes on the Recycling Bins and give discounts for trash service or something else to help the people out... Besides the trash company will be collecting less trash the more people you get to recycle... Philadelphia PA. offers incentives to their citizens for recycling so why not everywhere else???? If you want to help change the world to Green then you have to give incentives to the people who are contributing because it takes a lot of work....   

Dangers of Posting Photos Online

When you post your photos online be sure that you do not post them as public view.... We all use Social Networking websites these days and post and tag all sorts of photos what many of us do not know is that if your not careful they could be posted as public so anyone with a computer and internet access can find the and view them... My conspiracy theory is that the government no longer has to have a central database for pictures anymore.. The reason for this is because people are careless and just upload photos to the internet using there smart phones or even thru a computer... What they do not know is that the government could easily have crawlers just like search engines that will go thru and take your pictures from your profile and have them so that they can use Facial Recognition software to be able to keep tabs on were you are thru public and private cameras... They may have already began doing this after September 11... They would keep this program silent because it would be against the constitution, but they could always get around it by saying it is a security measure as to keep an eye on suspected terrorist.... So be very careful the next time your uploading that picture whether it is to Facebook, MySpace, Dating websites, or maybe even your Yahoo or Google account profiles...        

Friday, January 13, 2012

North Korea

I was reading a yahoo news piece about North Korea that stated they were punishing mourners who failed to exhibit sincere sadness and despair after the death of Kim Jong Il on Dec. 17... They are sentencing them to 6 months are hard labor in there labor camps if the people did not participate in the organized gatherings during the mourning period, or who did participate but didn’t cry and didn’t seem genuine... Now that is wrong if I lived in that country I would have been jumping for joy because the dictator who caused the country to be near bankruptcy is dead.... That is wrong and should be stopped you can't force a person to attend a leaders funeral or god forbid force them to cry when god know who would be sad he was dead... I thought maybe the new leader would better the country but so far he is off to a horrible start and already needs to be overthrown...  

Protecting your Computer by Password

Protecting your computer by Password is becoming obsolete... You want to know why I believe this is true??? Well there are so many free or cheap password remover programs out there that it is getting oh-most impossible to protect your computer from theft....   I found that if you have a webcam connected to your computer that Facial Recognition Software works great there are some free ones but I would recommend paying for that, for the fact is the paid ones offer theft prevention by taking pictures of the person who is trying to unlock your computer and e-mailing them to you... Another good way to protect your computer is through a Finger Print Scanner but that you would have to buy a scanner and the software.... Beware when using Facial Recognition Software or Finger Print Readers because they can be used against you in a court of law...

Combofix Removes Malware,Spyware, and More

Here is another good Virus Remover not scanner.... This one should only be used by a person who knows what he is doing.... If this program is used wrong or to many times when not needed it could DESTROY your computer... This program is very good at removing them bad viruses that put your computer to a halt.... To Download this program Click Here to go to Combofix website... This is a last resort Virus remover please be careful...

Computer Viruses

Well today I scanned my computer for Viruses... This was the first time in months that I have done this... The reason I waited so long was to see how bad the Virus scanner I am using was... Well when the scan completed I had a total of  9986 Viruses now that is insane.... The program I used and LOVE was Malwarebytes you can download it FREE by clicking on the name, it only cost money if you want it to always scan your computer.. If you don't mind manually scanning and telling it to remove infected files yourself then you will love it to... The virus scanner I was using was Avast virus scanner, it is ranked good in Consumer Reports and it may be good but it sure missed a lot of Viruses and made my computer run slower than a snail because of it....

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence also known as (AI) is soon to be a reality in the world... At this moment we do have the Technology to create a real smart machine... If they were to combine Facial Recognition, Retinal Scans, Finger Print Reading, Voice Recognition, and many other of the Technology's that we have they would be able to create a machine that could quite possibly do like the machine on the new TV series Person Of Interest that premiers on CBS on Thursday nights at 9:00 PM EST time... Someday in the future we may even be able to create a real KITT car from the TV series Knight Rider but we would first need to prefect our technology in Nanotechnology, we are getting close in that one how close you say??? Well lets just say that they are now making Bullet Proof Armor in China made from Nano Tubes... They even sell Nano Oil and Even Nano Paint... We all better watch out because once all this Technology is just right Big Brother is not all we will have to worry about....

How the Banks are Crooks

So one day I called my bank "Wells Fargo" and told them because my account was negative and a new charge just went thru that day. I told the I was going to go and put the money in, and they said OK and told me how negative the account was... Well not even an hour after I got off the phone with them they reversed the charge that came in that day after the overdraft fee was given... I didn't notice this until after I put the money in the account and I only had enough money to cover what they told me I owed which was before the overdraft fee was issued... Well as days went on the charge never came back and I was hoping it would wait till I got more money since things are real tight these days... Well they didn't so as we all can imagine they re-put that charge back that they already charged me and told me when I called them the first time just so they could get another overdraft fee out of me for something I told them I was coming into the bank to take care of... So now I am back to an overdraft on my account again... Just wish they would have not decided to take that charge away when I told them I was coming to take care of it... It just shows the only thing a bank wants out of you is your money and they will find a way to get as many fees out of you as they can...

Casey Anthony

Yet again we here about the child killer Casey Anthony in the news.... This time we are hearing about how she got pregnant... She is claiming she got pregnant at a party after she passed out... Well I got news for her even if that is true that still does not give you the right to kill your child... I mean come on now how was she found innocent she drove around with her in the trunk for over a month then got rid of the body... I am not sure but in the world is that considered and accident???? I always thought Florida was strict, I guess child killers can get away there... Next thing we know she will be offering classes to help better the killer, she got away so she must know the secret no one else knows... Ever since she has gotten away with it all sorts of children have been coming up missing and the mothers have had something to do with it... Looks like the courts need to take a second look into giving custody to mothers now, they all seem to break and want to kill the children... Happens all the time and its finally getting national attention... So RIP Caylee, because we know who killed you and she won't have a very good life because she will always have to look over her shoulders....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I have noticed something about the republicans and how they are choosing their candidate for president... The only thing the republicans are looking for is someone that will be able to beat Obama in the presidential race this November... I myself find that sad... What they should be looking for is a candidate who will do a better job at fixing things for this country not be finding a person who will be popular to the people... I would vote for Ron Paul but if he is not the candidate I am sticking to Obama he's doing a decent job... Congress is the group who isn't doing their jobs..

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Presidential Primary

I am a Democrat and have been watching the presidential hopefuls just because I keep an open mind... So far I have found an Republican that I would vote for.... This Republican is Ron Paul, I would vote for him because he seems to be the only one who knows were the government waist so much tax money... He has let the public know he would bring all our troops home from every country... That is something no Presidential Candidate has ever said... He has also said he would stop all the Foreign Aid no I love that idea we waist so much money on other countries when we have people in our own country who needs help... Do I believe he will be able to get this all done??? No I don't, but the reasoning for that is Congress they will stop it in fear of what the world would think.... I know there are more Democrats out there who agree and like Ron Paul and would even vote for him.. So in my eyes I am going to say Ron Paul for President 2012....

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Roman Empire

Everyone is aware of the Great Roman Empire, the empire was one of the worlds greatest and most wealthiest empires the world has seen in them ages... In-fact the Roman Empire is even mentioned in the Holy Bible, as the empire that hung Jesus Christ on the cross... Everyone believe that the Romans wanted to have Jesus dead but the truth was they didn't... But now on to what this blog is about.... I am writing about my philosophy of the so called fall of the Roman Empire, I myself don't believe it is totally collapsed... Here is my reasoning for my belief, as we know as religion started to take over the Roman Catholic Church was made in which towards the so called end of the Roman Empire the church had a big say in what would happen... Well the Empire itself may have collapsed but not in and all... The Roman Catholic Church has a big say in the world and is also the biggest religion in the world... My theory of the church is that it is in-fact still practicing the old Roman ways and could even be trying to get a big group of followers to finish what the Empire set out for and that was world dominance.... The church has a big influence and the Pope is oh-most like the Great Caesar but just isn't called that instead they took on the name Pope... They are chosen and rule till death... I believe that they are trying to keep the Roman ways alive in hopes to one-day be able to bring them back and rule once more...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Gold and Silver Investing

Hello everyone, as you know Gold and Silver has been hitting record prices the last year... Well Why not Get involved in this great investment.... I have been using Bullion Vault, I love them so far the best part was that when you open an account they give you 1 gram of gold free... Yes you do get to keep this gram of gold but in order to be able to you must first make a contribution to your account or verify your bank account... It doesn't matter how much you put in you don't need enough money to buy a full ounce to be able to use this investment company... I myself started out with just putting $12.00 in and using that with the free Gram of gold they gave me after selling the gram and bought Silver.... So go check it out wont hurt maybe even open an account and play with the gram of gold and see how you like it.... For the ones thinking just a gram of gold they give you that is $50.00 more or less based on current market rates but the last time I looked it was a little over $51.00 per a gram of gold....
Buy gold online - quickly, safely and at low prices

Freedom Of Speech

I am proud to be living in the United States were my rights are protected within the constitution of the United States... One of the most well know protected rights is Freedom Of Speech, with this right I am aloud to talk about anything I please as long as it is not causing harm to any person... Some people may not like when people post dumb things and they may think it is annoying and tell them to stop... Well you are not aloud to tell them to stop because they are protected by law in the First amendment Of the Constitution of the United States of America Stating that there is Freedom of speech... Now I do agree people use this to there advantage a lot, but there is nothing I or anyone else can say to stop them all we can do is ignore them and hope maybe one day they will stop... I don't like hearing some of the crap they nag about on TV or what I hear when I am out but hey they have there right and I am going to respect that because I am glad to have been born in a country were we have such freedoms that are taken advantage of daily....

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Natural Remi-Teas

Hey there readers I have added a new link at the top of my blog that will take you to a store called Natural Remi-Teas This store ships all over the world and is located in Madison Ohio so if your ever up there I would say stop on in and have them make you a drink you won't regret it.... It is a family owned business; and the family is very nice... They put in long hours making sure all of the ordered product is shipped on time so that their customers can enjoy a good drink regardless of were they are located... These are natural drinks and very healthy for you... So why not give them a shot I can Guarantee you will not regret it...  

Friday, January 6, 2012

2012 Doomsday

Well everyone it's finally 2012... With 2012 comes another one of them End of the world predictions... This years supposed end of the world falls on December 21, 2012... No one knows what is supposed to happen as there are many predictions as to what it will be... The believe it is the end of the world because the Mayan Calendar , comes to an end.... My prediction to this is the Mayan Calender did in fact end  but that is because whom ever was writing died or became bored with writing it... I myself will be attending an end of the world party with my I survived 2012 T-shirt on hand for when the night is over... I have enclosed a Countdown to the so called end of the world... Enjoy Everyone...


Thursday, January 5, 2012


It seems that all we ever here is War and Violence in today's world... It seems to me that all of these countries seem to get off on causing wars.. I agreed with one out of the two Wars the US was in... The only War I supported was the War in Afghanistan, my reasoning for that was because they were hiding the people responsible for the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center buildings in New York City... The Iraq was I believe George W. Bush wanted to start in revenge on the assassination attempt on his father after the Gulf War, ordered by Sudan Hussein who was the leader of Iraq... Now are new problems in the world of possible new wars are the countries of North Korea and Iran... Iran just seems to be causing so many problems threatening the US Navy and also threatening to cut of shipping if new sanctions are put against them... We all know they are trying to make Nuclear weapons, I mean come on if they were trying to make Nuclear Power they wouldn't be so offensive about it or sneaky... North Korea I am hoping with the change in new leadership will wake them up and realize they have a 0% chance of winning any war vs any country... What they should be doing instead of feeding the Dictators they should be feeding the people of the country... That country is in such bad shape that if the people living in it was to learn the truth the Kim family would have to hide... I hope one day the world wakes up removes the Dictators from North Korea and shuts Iran up before more innocent people have to die because some countries want to be Dumb... Oh yea and we can't forget that religion is starting to cause a lot of problems in the world today... I can see a holy war coming on soon if these other countries don't stop using religion to run a damn country... It's nice you have religion but don't use that to run a country it just won't work... There is also no religion that says it is good to kill people... So you people in the Muslim World stop putting lies about if you die for the cause there will be a 1000 virgins waiting for you because that is a bunch of SHIT.....

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Identity Theft

As we all know Identity Theft is a huge problem.... I myself have come up with a somewhat good solution, now it may not eliminate the problem but it will shrink it... Now here is the solution, we all know that in order to be given credit they do a credit check... Well what the Credit Bureaus should do is have your most resent State or Federal ID picture on file and when a credit check is done if it is at the location a picture will pop up on screen for verification and the person checking the credit can then compare the picture with the ID and the person giving the ID to them while applying... For the online credit Applications you would have to have a webcam in order to finish the application because the webcam would snap a real time photo of you and then Facial Recognition Software would be used to compare the photo taken to the picture they have on file for that social security number.. When a fraud is detected then the IP address and photo taken can then be submitted to the proper authority's with a statement explaining what crime was committed and how much they were trying to get..   

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Don't Plagiarize

Plagiarism is a big problem in both College and high school... The one thing that most students don't know is that there is software out there that can detect if you have plagiarized by scanning the web and also previously submitted papers to be sure your not using another students work... It is more common for a college to use the software than a High School teacher... If you are caught you could fail the class, Be expelled, and possibly even worse... If you would like to check your papers before submitting them here is a good Free program to download Viper Plagiarism Checker... So lets be good and do honest work...

Airport Security

I am sure most of us have had to deal with the pains of the TSA after the 9/11 attacks... I myself don't think that most of there polices are even needed... I mean come on now you can't take a normal sized can of shaving cream in your carry on bag??? What do they think your going to hide something in the can... The we have them taking peoples desserts, saying its a security risk... Not sure how a Red Velvet cake in a mason jar is a risk, they must have thought that the cake was going to blow up and cause the plane to crash... I did in fact think the full body scan was pretty cool but also a breach in my privacy... Wounder what they have planned next they already make you take your shoes off, empty your pockets, take your jacket off, hmm maybe next you will have to go naked and even get a full body physical.... I am starting to think the cost of flying is oh most not worth the trouble you have to go thru.... The Airlines are going Bankrupt, but I bet Greyhound is doing great... The only good thing with Greyhound is there is no TSA, but the trip sucks takes to long...

Monday, January 2, 2012

Tax Season is Near

It is oh most time for everyone's favorite time of year...  Yea that's right its oh most time to do them taxes and get that refund check... I myself always look forward to it, this year I have things to write off because I was a private contractor, was in college, and even contributed to a retirement account... So make sure you all go to the IRS webpage to check all them write off so that you do not miss any of them... Oh and I am sure there will be them tax dodgers to happens every year they work under the table and don't claim the money they made not only is that illegal but it's also stupid... Not claiming all the money causes it so that you can not use it when buying a house or car because they check how much you make thru your taxes...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The New Years Reslolution

Well its time again for everyone to make them New Years Resolutions... Lets make this the year we follow are Resolution... Some will say they want to quit smoking, some want to Recycle more... We even have the ones that are looking for that special someone and are hoping to find them well if you want to find them make sure you read my blog about relationships and try something that you normally would not do this year who knows it may help you out a lot... I even say don't focus looking for love in one location do it world wide gives you better options... Well I hope you all have a Great New Years remember no DUI's this year...