Thursday, December 29, 2011

Dangers of using the online pharmacy

This is what ships there no prescription required meds in
This is what taking Modafinil did to me.. Bought from an online Pharmacy without a prescription...
Purchasing medication from an online pharmacy without a prescription is dangerous... I know this from personal experience.. From my mistake of buying the drug online without consulting a doctor oh most cost me my life...  I didn't think about the dangers when I was buying the medication, I just wanted it to help me concentrate better in my college classes.. The drug worked and did what it was supposed to but as time went on it started causing me to stay up all night... Then one day I started having raw bottoms of my feet then got a sore throat... I thought I was getting sick so I emailed my professors telling them I wasn't feeling well  and wouldn't be in class... The next day I woke up I had the worst sore throat of my life and was very weak... I got up and got a bottle of water to drink and looked in the mirror... What I saw was horrible my lips were all scared and scabbed up, my face had what looked like burns and my head was in so much pain I couldn't bear it... I then went back to bed thinking it will be over the next day.... Well I was wrong the next day I could barely move. Now my arms had them burn looking marks and I looked horrible... I was on the forth floor of the dormitory the elevator was broke as always and I had no help... So I started my walk to the stairs moving very slow because I was so weak my body couldn't move fast... It took me what felt like forever to get down the stairs to the first floor... When I got into the lobby everyone was freaking out not knowing what was wrong with me... I called my mom and told her I needed to leave while the RA's in the dorm went and got the dorm Director and school nurse... They got there and wanted to call an ambulance to pick me up but I insisted on waiting on my mother... Once I got to the hospital my fever went up to 106 degree F a 5 degree rise in a couple of minutes... The doctors did test on my and told me my blood was poisoned and if I didn't come to the hospital that day I may not have made it... I was put in Intensive Care for about a week... Since I didn't disclose the medication I took I probably wasn't treated how I should have been... I get bad headaches all the time and still have scars from the burns the Allergic Reaction caused me...  The US Federal Government needs to start controlling these online drug company's... It is way to easy for anyone to be able to go online and purchase drugs all they need is a credit card.... With all the research I did I concluded that I would have been diagnosed with the Steven-Johnson Syndrome... Since I told them I didn't take any medications they said I didn't qualify for it... So the Diagnosed me with erythema multiforme and they said it was much more acute and severe than the usual case...   So with my mistake I may have cause damage to myself because I withheld that I did in fact use a medication...For anyone who is interested in knowing the site I bought this drug from and got real sick from here it is EDandMore.. I do not Recommend anyone to buy from there without a doctors approval...

Dangers of Smoking

We all know the dangers of smoking.. But yet the ones of us that smoke still seem to continue doing it... I know this because I am a smoker, I have tried quitting many times but always seem to go back for that cancer stick... The biggest miss under stood thing about smoking is that everyone thinks that it causes lung cancer... Well that's only true to a small extent... The truth about caner is that everyone has cancer cells in their body's... Smoking just increases the chances of them cells becoming active... Now I am not saying that it is safe to start or keep smoking because it most defiantly is NOT.... Smoking causes all sorts of health problems I know this but yet still pick up that cigarette and smoke it.... I have never used the electric cigarette and never plan on using it... My reasoning for that is somewhere down the road they will discover that it causes even more health problems... Now I could be wrong but it seems to me everyday they are finding something that used to be used everyday as bad.... I myself tell people when they ask, "don't I know that smoking is bad for me." I tell them that I do know it is but it is also bad to eat all that processed foods and breath the polluted air and even drink all of that carbonated soda and teas...